Pioneer Museum’s Sheep Shearing Day in Lander

Pioneer Museum Sheep Shearing Day — A Wonderful Woolly Day!

text & images courtesy Pioneer Museum, Lander

On the prettiest day of the spring so far, over 300 people came out to Lander’s Pioneer Museum to celebrate the history and heritage of the sheep industry in Fremont County and have fun.

It was the third annual Sheep Shearing Day, which has been a popular spring event at the museum. Designed to recognize the long history of the sheep industry in the area, there were shearing demonstrations, crafts for kids, a petting zoo, horseback rides and talks on the history of sheep. Sponsored by the Lander and Riverton McDonalds, it was the first Kids Exploration program of the summer.

A new addition this year were lamb burgers grilled up by the Fremont County Pioneer Association. The lamb was provided by the Wyoming Wool Growers Association (WWGA), and was a huge hit with people.

Amy Hendricks of the WWGA said one of their missions was to get people more aware of how important the sheep industry still is to Wyoming’s economy. The fresh lamb is just one product produced in the state by the industry.

John Farr of Encampment did several talks on the history of the sheep business from the time of Christ to the present. “What a wonderful event,” he said. “It’s a great way to get young people involved in our history.”

According to Museum Curator Randy Wise, Sheep Shearing Day will be back. “We are always adding new things and making it a bigger, better event.” Wise said that there are many events throughout the summer at the museum, from Treks and Speakers to kids exploration programs. Two upcoming events for kids are Kids Gold Panning Day May 11, and Pioneer Arts and Crafts June 10.

Call the museum to sign up (space in the two kid’s program is limited) or check the museum website for more information.

Circle J Ranch event 2016


Harvest Party, City Park in Lander Wyoming! October 1, 9 am - 12 noon
Harvest Party, City Park in Lander Wyoming! October 1, 9 am – 12 noon


A Trip Down Memory Lane in Sheridan plus Buffalo and Two Mountain Passes

By Bill Sniffin

As readers of this column know, I am no fan of the “new” JC Penney Company.

It is my contention that old James Cash Penney (whose first store was right here in Wyoming, in Kemmerer), is spinning in his grave as how his successors have managed to ruin that company.

But I loved the old Penney’s and I took a trip down memory lane at that company’s long-time store on Main Street of Sheridan recently. There, smack in the heart of the town, is an old-fashioned Penney Store, complete with a basement, a half upstairs and, well, the only edifices missing were the pneumatic tubes sending sales tickets flying around the store.

My first Penney store experience was in Oelwein, Iowa, and it was a scene right out of the movie, A Christmas Story. And that store 60 years ago looked just like the one there in Sheridan today.

Here in Lander, when I first came to work at the Journal, one of our biggest advertisers was the JC Penney Store, again, right in the heart of our downtown.  And yes, it had a half upstairs and it had a basement.  I think tubes were still there which would whistle sales tickets from the various cash registers back to the bookkeeping department. Even by today’s standards, these tubes were space age. Amazing.  They provided a way to quickly move information around prior to the age of computers.

On this trip, we took two different scenic drives on our way to and from Sheridan.

First, we traveled to Greybull so we could take US 16 up Shell Canyon and over the mountain. The weather was beautiful and we even stopped and checked out the Dinosaur tracks outside of Shell. Also, took a photo of the canyons there at the Big Horn Mountains that seem to form a “W” and a “Y” — is that there or was I just imagining it?

Near Burgess Junction I ran into Ed Kingston at the Elk View Inn.  First met Ed 15 years ago.  He has done well and aged better than me. The lodge is beautiful. It and Bear Lodge plus a few other lodges make that area a snowmobile and ATV mecca.

We encountered terrible fog descending into Dayton and on our way to Sheridan and settled into a rainy trip.

Bob Grammens and Kim Love had me on the radio for a couple of mornings and that was sure fun. Radio appears to be struggling in some communities, but not Sheridan. Lots going on in that area. Don’t touch that dial!

Although energy is a big deal in the Sheridan area, you would not notice it by how the Main Street feels.  It is certainly lively including a new store started by a 13-year old boy. Amazing.  His name is Luke Knudsen and he started a store called The Old General Store, which features antiques.

Another neat store is the Best Out West store owned by Christy Love, Kim’s sister.

The remodeled Sheridan Inn is a real treat. The old strucure originally built by Buffalo Bill Cody is now a true modern classic.

One of the premier craft breweries in the state is the Black Tooth establishment, which exists in an old auto garage.  Great beer and a great location.

Our trip was designed as loop drive so we headed south to Buffalo and were impressed by how busy the Sports Lure store was there in the main business district. Small towns are lucky to have local-owned stores like it and the Office to cater to local needs.

It is hard not to love Buffalo’s Occidental Hotel. What a beautiful job its owners have done to restore it.

This is the heart of Longmire country but despite looking for them, none of the characters were to be seen on this day. Longmire is the name of a popular TV series based on books by Craig Johnson of Ucross.

While in Buffalo, I also looked for the infamous “Bench Sitters,” made popular by the Sagebrush Sven columns in the Buffalo Bulletin.  It was the wrong time of day to see them, too, I guess.

Heading home, we headed up into the cloudy Big Horn Mountains over Tensleep Pass.  Ran into fog, rain, slush, snow and wind but got through it.  Lots of highway construction on the very top. The flag people were dressed like Eskimos.

Worland and Thermopolis were both quiet on this wet Friday evening, although it was sure tempting to take a dip into a hot thermal pool on a cold, wet shivery night.  But we kept on going.

Got home just as the sun was going down, which was our goal. Hate that driving at night in a storm.

What a great loop drive it was, though. The passes were full of amazing color.  I am sure the rain and snow pretty much wiped out most of those pretty leaves, which impressed us at the time. This all occurred during the fall solstice, which here in Wyoming, truly marks a real change of seasons.





Downtown Sheridan Wraps Up Summer!

3rd Thursday Sheridan Logo July 2016

From the Downtown Sheridan Association…

The days are getting shorter, and I for one look forward to a little slower pace…but, honestly there is still so much going on and so many reasons to visit downtown, I never do seem to get much time to unwind!

This week, our final 3rd Thursday will feature the Craft Brothers and the Sheridan High School varsity teams pep rally. Be sure to stop by the main stage for the first ever “flash mob” to be held on Main Street at 7pm!


The following Thursday at the weekly farmers’ market on Grinnell Plaza, CATO Ranch and the Cottonwood Shop are sponsoring the first “Sheridan Amateur Chopped” contest! A lively crew of local foodies will be cooking up some delicious meals comprised mostly of locally raised meats and produce. The last Thursday of September, the 29th, the Sheridan Farmers’ Market sponsored by Landon’s Greenhouse, will close out the downtown market season here on Grinnell Plaza. However, Saturday, October 8, the DSA will again cosponsor the Sheridan Local Food Expo/Fall Harvest Market. This year’s event will take place October 5th through October 8th, kicking off with a premier screening of the PBS/Farm to Fork Episode of, “Compost” at the Sheridan Public Library on Wednesday the 5th at 5:30pm.

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Friday, October 7th is the Farm to Plate Gala Dinner at the Barn in Big Horn. A four course seasonally inspired dinner prepared by Chef Antonia Armenta Miller, of CATO Ranch, will be paired with wines from Jackson Hole Winery. The tickets are $75 each. This fee helps raise funds to benefit the Local Foods Expo group with a portion of the proceeds also benefiting the local youth programs that promote our commitment to support, promote and educate the community on the importance of buying and eating locally. For more information, please contact Bonnie Gregory at 307-752-5712.

The weekend will wrap up on Saturday with the Farmers’ Market Fall Festival at the Whitney Academic Center on the Sheridan College Campus. Sponsored by Wyoming Roofing, this market combines the Sheridan & Landon’s Farmers Markets from 9am till 11am with live music by Crooked Mountain and featuring other seasonal events. The morning market will be followed by a discussion panel entitled, “Eating, Growing & Selling” at noon. For more information, please contact Donald Legerski at 307-683-7849 or email


Finally, the Historic District Promotions Committee continues to focus on year-round shop local campaigns that help to increase awareness of what our downtown has to offer as well as create incentives and enthusiasm for local shoppers during the off-holiday season. The October Hunting for Bucks shop local campaign incorporates the ever popular hunting season as well as rewarding locals for shopping downtown by offering “chamber bucks” as a weekly prize for shoppers throughout the month of October. The City of Sheridan has generously agreed to sponsor the campaign again this year. Last year, the first Hunting For Bucks campaign was a huge success with $800 in chamber bucks distributed to 21 lucky shoppers.

For more information, please call 307-672-8881 or email


Big Horn Basin Folk Festival – Catch it this August 6-7 in Thermopolis!

WY Public Radio third blockresized 2016 festival ad

click on the image above for a full list of Big Horn Basin Folk Festival Events & Details!

“Hear Me Now” — Wyoming Storytellers Take Spotlight

By Ellen Sue Blakely

Images provided by Hot Springs Greater Learning Foundation

For a full schedule of presenters during “Hear Me Now” Storytelling Circle, August 6-7, see Other weekend events include the Gift of the Waters Pageant Days, Kiwanis Craft Fair and the Big Horn Basin Folk Festival, with music performances all day, demonstrators, workshops, food vendors, juried art show & sale and kid-friendly activities.

When we were kids and all the cousins gathered for the annual Fourth of July ice cream and watermelon feast, our great aunt Kate kept all of us in line by expounding on a “haint” she called “Rawhide and bloody bones.” For years, we assumed Aunt Kate had made up this scary haunt of a creature.

It turns out that Kate had borrowed and adapted “Rawhide” from an Irish tale — probably one she had heard as a child from her grandparents who had come from the Emerald Isle. Aunt Kate is long gone; but, to this day, her scary rendition still brings chills and laughter to the now-aging cousins.

That’s the power of story. If you have ever sat around a campfire and told (or listened to) ghost stories or tall tales, you know its spell. Those who study stories as an art form say telling stories is the oldest art form; and from it grew poetry — rhyming was a way of remembering a longer story.

Although there has not been an organized effort at preserving Wyoming’s stories in recent years, our people have always been inveterate storytellers. Mountain men told plenty of whoppers when they gathered at the fur-trading rendezvous. Music and storytelling were common in the Native American tipis, cowboy bunkhouses, farmhand shacks and homestead cabins. It still is. Given half a chance, today’s outfitters, hunters and fishermen will regale listeners with tales about the “ones that got away.”

This year, Wyoming is taking a step to share our long-standing storytelling tradition at “Hear Me Now,” the state’s first organized Storytelling Circle. (The concept of a “storytelling circle” harks back to those days of campfires and tipis.) The event is part of the Big Horn Basin Festival, August 6-7, 2016, in Hot Springs State Park, Thermopolis. “Hear Me Now” is sponsored by Hot Springs Greater Learning Foundation with a ThinkWyoming grant from the Wyoming Humanities Council. Additional support comes from the National Endowment for the Arts, Wyoming Cultural Trust Fund and Wyoming Arts Council.


“Hear Me Now” will be moderated by Spencer Bohren, nationally known musician and storyteller. Although Bohren now lives in New Orleans, Wyomingites still claim him as their own since he grew up in Casper, and his family still lives and plays music there. Bohren maintains strong ties with the state, presenting educational programs in the schools and public performances in Wyoming communities throughout the year.

Professional storytellers telling tales throughout the day are Michelle King, Basin; Catherine Ringler, Powell; Marilyn Braaten, Thermopolis, and Jennisen Lucas, Cody. The group recently formed the Big Horn Basin Storytelling Guild to promote the art of storytelling.

Echo Klaproth, Shoshoni, former Wyoming poet laureate, and Dick Hall, Thermopolis, cowboy poet, will bring poetry into the tent. Mike Hurwitz, who will be performing at the Big Horn Basin Folk Festival during the weekend, will drop by with his own brand of Western stories. Karl Milner, who specializes in mountain man skills, will add a story or two from the mountain man era. Annie Hatch, Wyoming Arts Council folk arts specialist, will give a bit of historical perspective on the art of Wyoming storytelling. Miss V, sometimes called “The Gypsy Cowbelle,” will talk about her adventures homesteading in Wyoming.

As a special feature, Spencer Bohren will perform his nationally acclaimed “Down the Dirt Road Blues,” 11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m., Sunday, August 7, in the Storytelling Tent. Bohren uses historic music instruments as he tells how one song moved from its African roots to blues to rock and roll.

“Hear Me Now” is free and of interest to all ages. Visitors can “come sit a spell” and — if you are so inclined — you can even add your own tales — true or otherwise — during the open microphone opportunities.

After all, if you don’t tell your favorite story, who will?

WL_Linnell_weaving horsehair


Ellen Sue Blakey of Thermopolis is a textile artist, rug braider, author, musician and occasional storyteller. You can hear and see her story about rug braiding and Depression-era women on youtube. If you attend the Storytelling Circle, look her up, say the magic words “Uncle Charlie”; she may just tell you the story of Charlie, the sheriff’s hat, a blackberry pie, and how he came to Wyoming.


July Excitement in Pinedale & Laramie!

Green River Ad 2

It’s a big time of year across Wyoming – JULY!! Green River Rendezvous in Pinedale, Wyo Rodeo in Sheridan, Laramie Jubilee Days, Cheyenne Frontier Days, county rodeos, OH MY! So much fun! Excited to help promote it all … Check out the images for both the Meet Me on the Green Pageant & Parade (part of Green River Rendezvous in Pinedale), and Laramie Jubilee Days’ schedule of events …

LJD WLM Spring 2016 213439011_10155317363268532_5753508227755194052_n



Green River Ad 2LJD WLM Spring 2016 2 Eldred JS (2)


Images & text courtesy Wyoming Highway Patrol

Wyoming Highway Patrol Trooper Joel Eldred was involved in a crash near Glenrock on June 30th. Trooper Eldred is a 12 year veteran with the Patrol and is stationed out of Glenrock.

Trooper Eldred was responding emergent to a “shots fired” call in Douglas with both the emergency lights and sirens activated on his Dodge Charger patrol car. While passing eastbound traffic on US 20/26 at mile post 163.63, a 2002 Jeep SUV traveling east turned left into a commercial business driveway in front of the passing patrol car. The Jeep was driven by 49 year old Jamestown, Louisiana resident Robin Belgard. Trooper Eldred applied emergency braking and steered his patrol car into the north ditch to avoid the Jeep. Despite Trooper Eldred’s efforts to avoid a crash, the two vehicles still collided as the patrol car entered the ditch. After entering the ditch, Trooper Eldred’s patrol car rolled a minimum of four times. The Jeep spun around on the highway and came to rest facing west in the westbound lane of US 20/26.

Investigators are crediting Trooper Eldred’s seat belt use, ballistic vest use, vehicle safety design (including airbags) and the patrol car’s prisoner transport safety cage for minimizing the injuries Trooper Eldred sustained from the crash.

Robin Belgard was treated for her injuries and was released from the hospital on June 30th.

Trooper Eldred had attended WHP sponsored training the day before this crash occurred titled Below 100. The Below 100 program is a nationwide training initiative being given to Troopers and other law enforcement agencies in Wyoming to minimize the amount of officer involved deaths across the United States. Wearing your seat belt, wearing your ballistic vest and preparing for traffic to turn left in front of officers during emergency response are three main points emphasized in the Below 100 program.

No citations have been issued from this crash at the time of this update. Trooper Eldred is expected to be discharged from the hospital today (July 1st) and to make a full recovery from his injuries.

ONEHOPE Wine Rock Springs Event – Help Rock Springs & Green River Food Banks!



Mix, Mingle & Make An Impact!

Bring Your Favorite Wine Glass & Come Support Rock Springs & Green River Food Banks

 via ONEHOPE Wine – April Kelley

image by One Hope Wine
image by One Hope Wine

Date:  Saturday, March 5

Time:  2-4 PM

Location:  Hampton Inn – Rock Springs (1901 Dewar Drive)

This event is for ages 21 & over. Proceeds from this event will go to help the Rock Springs & Green River Food Banks. Seating is limited so please RSVP by Monday, February 29, 2016 at or call 202.805.3611.

*At this time, only debit/credit cards will be accepted for orders placed.*

WY Main Streets: Rawlins DDA/Main Street Wins National Award; Downtown Laramie Depot Restoration Fundraiser

Rawlins DDA 2015

From the Wyoming Business Council:  Rawlins wins 2015 Great American Main Street Award


ATLANTA – Rawlins today became the first community in the northern Rocky Mountain region to win the prestigious Great American Main Street Award (GAMSA).

Rawlins Downtown Development Authority/Main Street Executive Director Pam Thayer and staff along with board of directors, city council and Junior Main Street members, and downtown business owners and volunteers will officially receive the award during today’s opening plenary between 2 and 4 p.m. MDT at the 2015 National Main Streets Conference in Atlanta.

Thayer launched Rawlins’ Main Street efforts in 2006.



”Nine years ago it was overwhelming, but as we moved through the steps, it became a little clearer,” Thayer said. ”And sitting through these classes (at the National Main Streets conference), all I can think about is how much more work we have to do.

”For me, the award represents filling up our tank. It’s getting the gas to keep us moving forward.”

Rawlins was a GAMSA semifinalist last year, a first for a Wyoming Main Street program member, and was given the inaugural One to Watch award. Wyoming Main Street is a Wyoming Business Council program.

“We are so proud Wyoming is home to the first GAMSA recipient in the northern Rocky Mountain region,” Business Council Chief Executive Officer Shawn Reese said. “Rawlins is an outstanding example of how a community can work together to achieve downtown development and enhanced quality of life.”

The National Main Street Center (NMSC) was created in 1980 as a subsidiary of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Each year, the NMSC recognizes the country’s best examples of comprehensive commercial district revitalization. Winners are selected from a nationwide pool of applicants by a national jury. Criteria include strength of the Main Street in creating an exciting place to live, work, play and visit; commitment to historic preservation; implementation of model partnerships, and demonstrated success of the Main Street Four-Point Approach®. There are more than 2,000 Main Street communities across the country.


“We are honored to receive this level of recognition,” Rawlins Mayor Robert Grauberger said. “All the hard work from Pam Thayer, the board of directors, and the volunteers, plus the support from the businesses, the community and the City of Rawlins are the reasons we have won this award. We are very proud.”

The town of about 10,000 people is located along Interstate 80 in south-central Wyoming. It was founded in 1867 when surveyors for the transcontinental railroad stopped for water. Hard times hit in the late 1990s and the downtown vacancy rate topped 50 percent. Since Rawlins joined the Wyoming Main Street program nine years ago, the downtown building vacancy rate dropped from 45 percent to 10 percent and 59 private and public rehabilitation projects were completed. The total dollars reinvested in the downtown district since 2008 is about $8.5 million.

Evidence of Rawlins’ can-do spirit is seen in the rehabilitation of the badly deteriorated Rainbow Te-ton buildings, which the Rawlins DDA/Main Street converted into an entrepreneurial center, and the Carbon Mercantile, a community-owned clothing store.

Since the 2014 National Main Streets Conference in Detroit, Rawlins completed a downtown streetscaping project, a public art sculpture project and passed an ordinance that changed the district’s zoning to allow for downtown living.

“Rawlins is a textbook example of how the health of a Main Street is so closely tied to the health of its small businesses,” National Main Street Center President and CEO Patrice Frey said. “Rawlins DDA/Main Street has done a tremendous job of nurturing existing businesses, attracting new enterprise and fostering a true entrepreneurial spirit.

“With the DDA/Main Street now set on creating more downtown housing and façade improvements, we have no doubt Rawlins will only continue to grow and thrive.”

For more information about the Wyoming Main Street program, contact Program Manager Linda Klinck at 307-777-2934 or


About the Wyoming Business Council. Our mission is to increase Wyoming’s prosperity. We envision a Wyoming where industries are strong, diverse and expanding. Small business is a big deal. Communities have the highest quality of life. Wyoming is the technology center of the High Plains. Wyoming knows no boundaries. Please go to

Depot Image



When the Laramie Depot was originally built, in 1924, the drains from the roof emptied into a cistern under the depot. The cistern, in turn, emptied into the city sewer.

Eventually the city had the cistern disconnected from the sewer, and french drains were installed under the downspouts.   The drains have filled up, and are no longer working, so the runoff is degrading and compacting the soil under the brickwork.

We have an engineering study in hand which lays out a plan to install drainage gutters to adequately drain the water away from the foundation of our depot. In order to install the gutters, we will be removing the brickwork, and excavating the soil that is compacting. We will replace the excavated soil with compacted base, graded away from the depot before we install the finishing layer.

We would appreciate any and all help that we can get to repair our depot.

Thank you for your interest!

Laramie Depot

WYOMING LIBRARIES: Childhood Experts at Teton County Library


208267_10151446329607959_358040856_nEarly Childhood Expert Nancy Bruski Presents Workshop for Parents & Teachers

Jackson, WY- Join early childhood expert Nancy Bruski for educational workshops tailored for parents, teachers and caregivers interacting with children age 8 and younger. Bruski founded and owns Wise Choice Guidance,, in Evanston, IL providing therapy and training, consultation and workshops for early educators and parents. She published her first book “The Insightful Teacher: Reflective Strategies to Shape Your Early Childhood Classroom,” last fall.

While visiting Jackson, Bruski will present four, free workshops. Her visit is sponsored and supported by Teton County Library, Children’s Learning Center and Head Start, Old Wilson Schoolhouse Community Center and Wilson Elementary School.

Registration is required, and Spanish translation is available on request. Contact the Library’s Assistant Director, Isabel Zumel: or 733-2164 ext. 101.

Friday, October 3
Help Your Child Build Inner Controls Without Losing Control Yourself
9:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Library Ordway Auditorium
Learn techniques for engaging cooperation – without yelling or nagging – and helping children learn self-control and responsibility.

Raising Self Confident Children
12:30 – 1:30 p.m.
Old Wilson Schoolhouse Community Center, Wilson
Discover strategies for raising confident children who feel understood even when they don’t always get what they want.

Kindergarten Readiness:  What Parents Should Do & Expect from Schools
6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Library Ordway Auditorium
Understand what Kindergarten readiness means, including what you should expect from elementary schools and how to be an effective advocate for your child. In English with Spanish translation.

Saturday, October 4
Reflective Teachers Are Effective Teachers: Creating Compassionate Classrooms
9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Library Ordway Auditorium
Early childhood expert, Nancy Bruski, will present the classroom philosophy and approach described in her book, “The Insightful Teacher.” She will present a path to success as a teacher of young children that explores a wide range of topics, including: what it means to be reflective in one’s work, how to have developmentally appropriate expectations of children, setting up the physical environments to support successful behaviors, building strong connections with families, alternatives to consequences for managing behaviors, and developing individualized intervention strategies for chronically challenging behaviors.
Applicable to preschool teachers, early elementary school teachers and child care providers. 6 STARS credits approved. Simultaneous Spanish translation available upon request.

Nancy Bruski
Nancy Bruski has a 30-plus year career specializing in work with children and families.  Her initial training was at the Virginia Frank Child Development Center in Chicago, which specializes in providing therapy as well as a therapeutic preschool/kindergarten program for emotionally disturbed preschoolers and their families. She has since delivered services to staff, parents and children in several agency settings.

Nancy began her private clinical social work therapy, consultation and professional speaking practice in 1980. Currently, Nancy is an Adjunct Professor at Oakton Community College, teaching “Child Development” and “Guidance in the Early Childhood Classroom;”an Early Childhood Consultant to the Gertrude B. Nielsen Early Learning Center, a Full-Day NAEYC accredited program in suburban Chicago.

Nancy is committed to assisting teachers and parents to become more psychologically sensitive to children by helping them create strategies and interventions that increase children’s social-emotional competence.

For more information or to register for Bruski’s workshops in Jackson, call Library Assistant Director at 307.733.2164 ext. 101 or email

EXPLORE WY: Wind River Country Dances & Pow Wows 2014

Visit our website & read the current issue

Make Your Mother’s Day Special with gifts from Tom Balding Bits & Spurs – in addition to their bits & spurs, they offer jewelry, clothing, scarves, keychains and much more! Click the image for their website!

Photo credit – Jennie Hutchinson

Wyoming’s Wind River Country has released the summer 2014 Native American Dances & Pow Wows schedule! Read on for dates, locations & more – and for the TBA events, stay tuned to their Facebook page and website,

May 2014

2 Riverton – United Tribes Club Spring Social Powwow. 1 p.m. Gourd Dancing (Veterans) 6 p.m. Grand Entry – Central Wyoming College gymnasium, 2660 Peck Ave., 855-2285,
3 Riverton – Native American Day – Dance Competition 2-7 p.m., $10,000 in cash prizes, 10269 HWY 789, 856-1472,
16-17 Ethete – 7 p.m., Wind River Tribal College Powwow, Blue Sky Hall, 506 Ethete Rd., 335-8243

June 2014

3, 10, 17, 24 Riverton – (every Tues.) 6 p.m. Northern Arapaho Cultural Experience, Wind River Casino 10269 HWY 789

18, 25 Lander – (every Wed.) 7 p.m., “Eagle Spirit Dancers,” Museum of The American West, 1445 Main St., 335-8778

TBA Ethete – Yellow Calf Memorial Powwow, Blue Sky Hall, 506 Ethete Rd.

27-29 Ft. Washakie – 55th Eastern Shoshone Indian Days and Powwow – & Rodeo, Wind River Indian Reservation, Old Wind River Hwy Road

July 2014

1, 8, 15, 22, 29 Riverton – (every Tues.) 6 p.m. Northern Arapaho Cultural Experience, Wind River Casino 10269 HWY 789
2, 9, 16, 23, 30 Lander – (every Wed.) 7 p.m., “Eagle Spirit Dancers,” Museum of The American West, 1445 Main St., 335-8778

2 Riverton – 7 p.m. Powwow Dancers, 1838 Rendezvous Site, E. Monroe Ave. 856-0706

TBA Ethete – 7 p.m. Ethete – Annual Ethete Celebration, Ethete Road
TBA Arapahoe – Annual Northern Arapaho Celebration, Wind River Indian Reservation

August 2014

1-2 Thermopolis – 7 p.m. Gift of the Waters Pageant, Hot Springs State Park at the big spring.
5, 12, 19, 26 Riverton – (every Tues.) 6 p.m. Northern Arapaho Cultural Experience, Wind River Casino 10269 HWY 789, 856-1472,
6, 13, 20 Lander – (every Wed.) 7 p.m., “Eagle Spirit Dancers,” Museum of The American West, 1445 Main St., 335-8778

TBA Crowheart – Traditional Community Powwow, (Eastern Shoshone) Wind River Indian Reservation, Old Yellowstone Hwy

September 2014

19 Lander – 71st One Shot Antelope Hunt Powwow, 332-8190


Buffalo Bill Continues to Win Hearts of Europeans

visit our website & read the current issue

Looking for a great Wyoming Christmas gift? Check out our WLM + Wyovore 2013 package – for just $20! 

Thanks to Liberty Lausterer for another great feature… this time, Liberty takes us across the pond for a look at how the Europeans view a great Wyoming legend, Buffalo Bill…


by Liberty Lausterer – images credited as noted

Travel Tip:  If you travel to Europe, and happen to enter into casual conversation with a local, BE PREPARED. Be prepared that when an Italian, or a Frenchman, or an Englishman learns you are from WY you may suddenly be given the fanfare and paparazzi usually reserved for celebrity. You have Buffalo Bill to thank for this.

I learned this from a European who wears snazzy black cowboy boots and has an encyclopedic knowledge of William F. Cody. Her name is Julia Stetler. Julia is a German citizen and fell in love with the American west while she lived here as a foreign exchange student. The frontier, Buffalo Bill, and her husband (whom she affectionally calls “her cowboy”) won her European heart.  Now she spends her days as the Associate Editor of the Papers of William F. Cody at the  Buffalo Bill Historical Center of the West in Cody, WY.

Wild West and Congress of the Rough Riders of the World, by Courier Litho. Co., 1899 advertising poster

Buffalo Bill’s Wild West show made three European tours between 1887 and 1906. Cody saw himself as a cultural ambassador, whose job it was to impress Europeans and raise their esteem of Americans. Cody timed the shows so they accompanied some of the most significant world events of the time, like Queen Victoria’s Golden Jubilee in London (God Save the Queen!) and the 1889 World’s Fair in Paris. Europeans were sold. They received the show lock, stock, and barrel.


Publisher: JMP & Lithography.  c. 1889

Of course there’s a lot more to the story (how each country uniquely received Cody and the role of Native Americans). For this and more watch out for Julia’s forthcoming book entitled, European Wild West. In the meantime, don’t worry about impressing anyone, just proclaim you are from WY and hearts will be won.


Cheers! Ciao! Hurraa!



WYOMING FIRST: Gaukel Grown & Ground


OUR SISTER PUBLICATIONS:  Wyoming Weddings Wyovore WYO XY The Wyoming Woman

We are thrilled to team with the Wyoming Business Council to feature a Wyoming First business every week on our blog! Wyoming First is a program that promotes Wyoming member businesses. Visit their website (click here) to learn more about this service — and if you are a Wyoming business who’s not a member, be sure to inquire about membership! There are many benefits! 

This week we are featuring Gaukel Grown & Ground of Keeline, WY (between Lusk & Douglas on Hwy 20)

Kevin & Julie Gaukel 322 Divide Road  Keeline, WY 82227 (307) 334-3252

The Gaukel family has been growing quality grains in the heart of Wyoming wheat country since 1914. The Gaukels are fourth generation farmers and ranchers. Kevin spends many hours of “tractor time” giving him great opportunities to think. It was during one of these trips around the field that an idea came to him! They were expecting their third child and needed to find a way to increase their revenue with the resources they had available. At the time bread machines were becoming increasingly popular. Kevin decided that they should offer their wheat in pre-packaged, convenient mixes directly to the consumer. So in 1999, Gaukel Grown & Ground was established near Keeline, Wyoming, which allowed the Gaukels to bring their award winning grain straight from their Wyoming wheat field to your home.

Today people are striving to lead a healthier lifestyle, and the Gaukels are helping them reach their goals. They stone grind their wheat, leaving it as healthful as the Lord intended. The Gaukels take pride in their all-natural whole wheat products, which stand apart from others by the way they are processed. Stone grinding leaves the wheat kernels whole allowing the wheat germ to be retained. This gives their whole wheat mixes a higher source of fiber and other nutrients.  The Gaukel family not only plants and harvests their annual crop of wheat; they clean it, grind it, mix and package it.

In 1999, Gaukel Grown & Ground began with only 3 products. Now the product line has expanded to offer 14 different whole wheat choices to meet the desires of your family as well as satisfying your gift giving needs.  The following products sold individual or in 3 unique gift sets:  Pancake Mix, Muffin Mix, Italian Herb Bread Mix, Multi-Grain Bread Mix, Wheat-n-Raisin Bread Mix, Whole Wheat Bread Mix, Doughnut Mix, Cracked Wheat Cereal, and Whole Wheat Flour.  It’s convenient, prepackaged, and nutritious with a home-grown taste. Preparing stone ground whole wheat is a slow process, but it ensures a quality of flour that we are sure you’ll enjoy. The coarseness of the texture is determined by how far apart the two stones are set. They can grind cake flour fine or just pop the kernel open. Since very little heat is generated, all the nutrients come through.

Gaukel Grown & Ground now offers two convenient packaging options. The Kraft bag with tin-tie closure is available for wholesale customers in the grocery industry, as well as for regular customers for their own personal consumption. New to their packaging line is a hand-made cloth pouch, using coordinating country style fabrics. This packaging choice is available for wholesale customers in the gift industry, as well as for customers purchasing the mixes for special occasions. The Gaukel daughters, Kaitlin and Kylee, sew these unique, one of a kind, cloth pouches.

If you’re looking for a gift with country flair, try one of their “Bouquet of Flours” today!

One of the gift sets are sure to be perfect for any occasion: thank you, birthdays, anniversaries, special holidays, house warming party, secret pals, hostess gifts, pastor’s appreciation, or a well-timed pick me up . . .

Our Daily Bread Bouquet – The best selling gift set! It features all 8 of their mixes served in a very stylish, yet practical, 8 quart stainless steel bowl with a large wire whisk.

Breakfast Bonanza Bouquet – Four mouthwatering mixes served with the same touch of country in a 5 quart stainless steel bowl with a medium wire whisk – featuring our Pancake, Muffin, Doughnut, and Wheat-N-Raisin Bread Mixes.

Build Your Own Bouquet – You choose the arrangement of “flours”! Select from any 3 mixes (some exclusions apply) in a 3 quart stainless steel bowl with a small wire whisk.

Enjoy Gaukel Grown & Ground’s home grown goodness and modern convenience. Look for their products in specialty shops and grocery stores throughout the nation.  They direct ship for all your holiday and gift giving needs!  They’ll even include a gift card expressing your personal sentiments.

Gaukel Grown & Ground products are currently not available in Cheyenne, but they certainly would love to be.  People can go to their favorite grocery or gift shop and ask them to begin carrying their product line today!

Gaukel Grown & Ground’s focus is actually two-fold. They strive to provide quality whole wheat products to their customers while educating America’s youth about the importance of agriculture. The Gaukels reach their minds and their hearts through “Living Classrooms”, Ag Expos, and national speaking engagements.

Since its inception in 1999, Gaukel Grown & Ground has cooperated with the Niobrara County Cattlewomen and the Niobrara County School District to provide agriculture education to the youth in the area.  Annually, the Niobrara Cattlewomen host an Ag Exp for the 4th and 5th grade students, and Gaukel Grown & Ground participates to educate children in the basics of food production.

The Gaukels also host a tour of their ranch for 3rd and 4th graders. They turn their ranch into a “Living Classroom” with sessions focusing on sustainable agriculture, conservation of land and resources, and urban and rural partnerships to name a few topics. Students see first-hand how wheat is grown, processed, and turned into a variety of foods. The Gaukels have hosted school districts throughout Wyoming for this one of a kind learning experience!

In, 2006, they also began teaching workshops during the Black Hills Conservation Camp located at Mallo.

2007-State, Regional, & NATIONAL Home-Based Business Champion of the Year!

After winning the Wyoming title, Gaukel Grown & Ground was named the United States Small Business Administration’s 2007 Region VIII Home-Based Business Champion Award winner. They were selected from amongst an elite group of entrepreneurs and community leaders representing Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming. They were fortunate to then advance to win the NATIONAL title!



OUR SISTER PUBLICATIONS:  Wyoming Weddings Wyovore WYO XY The Wyoming Woman


WYOMING FIRST: Table Mountain Vineyards


OUR SISTER PUBLICATIONS:  Wyoming Weddings  Wyovore  WYO XY The Wyoming Woman

We are thrilled to team with the Wyoming Business Council to feature a Wyoming First business every week on our blog! Wyoming First is a program that promotes Wyoming member businesses. Visit their website (click here) to learn more about this service — and if you are a Wyoming business who’s not a member, be sure to inquire about membership! There are many benefits!

This week we are featuring Table Mountain Vineyards from Huntley, Wyoming

Patrick Zimmerer, Huntley, WY


Table Mtn Vineyards (or TMV) started growing grapes in 2001 and began producing wines in 2004.  The winery was inspired through owner Patrick Zimmerer’s Senior Thesis project while at the University of Wyoming.  Patrick and his sister, Amie later competed in the University of Wyoming 10K Business Plan competition — they won first prize along with seed money to start the project.

Table Mountain Vineyards is Wyoming’s largest vineyard and winery – producing 100% Wyoming grown and made wines.  The vines are a cross of wild and wine grapes in order to survive Wyoming’s climate.  While the grapes are a bit different than traditional varieties, the winery is able to grow and produce its product from vine to wine in Wyoming.  The winery processes anywhere from 20-40 tons of grapes per year.

Additionally, the winery has just finished construction of its new winery facility featuring a grand room for large groups, event hosting and functions.  The tasting room is located just a few miles from Huntley, WY – (around 80 miles NE of Cheyenne on HWY 85).  The winery is currently open by appointment during its harvest season.

The winery will be featured later this fall on “America’s Heartland” on RFDTV and PBS stations across the US as part of a segment featuring Wyoming agriculture.

The wines typically retail around $15 per bottle.  The winery produces 10-14 varieties of grape and fruit wines.  All the wines are “Farm to Table Wines” meaning the fruit is sourced from local vineyards and fruit growers in Wyoming.   The winery produces wines with truly “Wyoming Character” and Spirit such as Cowboy Reserve, Rooster Red, S.O.B. Raspberry Wine, Stampede White, and many more. Its most unique wine is Wyoming Nectar – a honey wine w/Cinnamon. The wine style is traditionally known as Mead – one of the oldest fermented beverages in the world and is made from local beehives in the area.

TMV Wines are located in over 70 retail outlets in Wyoming, sold through its tasting room in rural Goshen County near Huntley, and direct shipped to various states & WY through its website TMV is a proud sponsor of many events and organizations throughout the year – you can find their wines this week at the Wyoming Women’s Expo in Casper and the Saint Mary’s Wine tasting this November in Cheyenne.

TMV Winery Offers Custom Labels for weddings, reunions, and special events. We’re also thrilled that Patrick writes in every issue of our Wyoming Lifestyle Magazine — and we featured an article on Table Mountain Vineyards in our first issue of Wyovore, our bookstore-exclusive publication!

The winery currently is open by appointment – visit for more information or contact the winery at 307-459-0233
— Twitter @tmvwinery


OUR SISTER PUBLICATIONS:  Wyoming Weddings   Wyovore WYO XY The Wyoming Woman

On the Calendar & Food News: June 21, 2012


Our Sister Publications:  Wyoming Weddings —  Wyovore —  WYO XY — Wyoming Woman —

click on the link to connect with Evanston Bluegrass Festival — THIS Saturday, June 23…

Lots of event & foodie news from across Wyoming… If you have an event or food-based business that you want to see featured in our weekly blog, give us a holler —

3rd Thursday Sheridan image from 3rd Thursday Sheridan committee

SHERIDAN TONIGHT, JUNE 21! Downtown Sheridan’s 3rd Thursday event kicks off for the summer! Follow the link to a great informational video:


Visit Flaming Gorge Days for “Southwest Wyoming’s Weekend of Fun!” in Green River — sports tourneys including bball, golf, dodgeball, children’s entertainment, horseshoes, a parade, concerts… Lots of action in a beautiful community!

Crawfish Boil in Jackson — image from 307 Live


12:00 PM, Cutty’s Lawn, check out Stooges Brass Band from NOLA headlining at the LARGEST crawfish boil in the Rocky Mtn Region! Tickets $15 in advance, $20 day of — click here for more info  Thanks 307 Live for the scoop!

CHEYENNE, JUNE 22-24 — Celtic Music Arts Festival 7th Annual Event

My Irish dancing heart skips a beat at the mention of this event! Check out the 7th annual Celtic Music Arts Festival. LOTS of artists and fun — check out the Cheyenne  Depot Museum website for more info…


Gilchrist Gallery in Wheatland is celebrating their 2nd anniversary! Come celebrate fine arts, craftsmanship & collectibles in Downtown Wheatland at 867 Gilchrist.  Noon – 5 PM Friday, June 22; 9 AM – 5 PM Saturday, June 23 — click here for more info!

image from Gillette’s Donkey Creek Festival


Enjoy three days of nationally renowned musicians and FABULOUS music in Gillette — all for free! Visit the festival’s website for schedule of events — a rapidly expanding event since 2006!


This annual event is named in honor of a friendly, although ill-fated, pooch that liked running alongside a group of local cyclists — and has become a much anticipated race in the Wyoming cycling arena. Click here for more info.


Head up to Thermopolis June 22-23 for the Cowboy Rendezvous PRCA Rodeo! Rodeo action begins at 7 PM each night; slack performed all day June 23. Parade will be held June 23 at 10 AM, and a dance after the June 23 night performance! Click here for more info…

EASTERN SHOSHONE INDIAN DAYS POW WOW:  Visit the Wind River Country tourism website for more information on this event, running June 21-23!



Altitude — This week, you’ll not only find Altitude’s microbrews at the bar, but in our special entree recipes, as well. Enjoy our beer both ways!

potato skins appetizer Smoked beef brisket, bacon, cheddar cheese and green onions baked on potato skins, Served with bbq bleu cheese sauce. 7.
baked salmon Served over rice simmered in Tumblewheat ale with sauteed red bell peppers, green onions and water chestnuts. Finished with a wasabi teriyaki sauce. 16.5
chicken “wit-sala” A new take on the classic chicken marsala. Pan seared chicken breast, sauteed garlic, mushrooms and onions served over fettuccine in a Solar Wit ale sauce. 12.5
eight ounce pork loin Grilled and brushed with a Bearpaw Brown ale and honey glaze. Served with a bacon, green onion and smoked gouda potato cake. 14.

Connect with Altitude:  Facebook  Twitter  FourSquare  ontheweb


stuffed tomato Homemade chicken salad studded with celery, carrots, pickles, onions and dill. Stuffed into a fresh tomato and served with your choice of fries, chips and salsa, creamy mashed potatoes, cottage cheese or dinner salad. 7.5
mustard bbq beef sandwich Beef brisket marinated in a sweet and tangy mustard bbq sauce and stacked on a kaiser with melted white cheddar cheese. Served with your choice of fries, chips and salsa, creamy mashed potatoes, cottage cheese or dinner salad. 9.

Connect with Lovejoy’s:  Facebook  FourSquare  ontheweb


  • WYO FARM & RANCH FAMILY BBQ, JULY 9, 1-7 pm, LANDER — Hosted by the Crofts Family Ranch & The Fremont County Cattleman’s Assoc.
    Afternoon BBQ open to ag families and their surrounding community. Featuring a walking tour of South Pass and group discussion about issues facing the industry. Contact the Wyoming Stock Growers Association for more info to RSVP – (307) 638-3942 or (there is no charge for this event.)
  • ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP TOUR, JULY 12, PINEDALE: Sommers Ranch  hosts this celebration of Wyoming Environmental Stewardship Day by touring its beautiful ranch. This is an all-day complimentary event, meals and on-site transportation are provided. Contact the Wyoming Stock Growers Association for more info or to RSVP – (307) 638-3942 or (there is no charge for this event, but RSVP is required).
  • BIG HORN MOUNTAIN FESTIVAL, BUFFALO:  July 6,7,8, check out this fabulous event full of bluegrass & traditional music for the whole family:
  • OYSTER RIDGE MUSIC FESTIVAL, KEMMERER:  July 27-29 The home of the Wyoming Flatpick Guitar Championships plus a variety of nationally renowned and Wyoming musicians. Food, fun and listening enjoyment, in a beautiful atmosphere.
  • BEAR TRAP MUSIC FESTIVAL, CASPER:  August 4-5, this event draws the masses to Casper Mountain for a day of jamming.


Our Sister Publications:  Wyoming Weddings —  Wyovore —  WYO XY — Wyoming Woman —

ON THE CALENDAR: Memorial Day Weekend & Food News


Our Sister Publications:  Wyovore —  Wyoming Weddings —  WYO XY — Wyoming Woman —

Memorial Day Weekend is upon us! What are your plans for the holiday weekend?


So here’s what our buddies at Snake River Brewing have to say about the Old West Brew Fest on Saturday (TOMORROW!):  “THIS SATURDAY on the Jackson Hole Town Square at 11:00am directly following the parade. Regional and national breweries unite under the HUGE tent with music, food and award winning beers. Come and join the fun! All proceeds go to underwriting the Old West Days weekend.”  Sweet!

The JH Rotary Wine Fest kicks off the weekend (that’s tonight!) You can get tickets at the door to the event, which is held at Snow King from 5-8 PM. On Saturday morning, the parade kicks off at 10 AM at Town Square, the brew fest kicks off at 11 AM, there are carriage rides available for a fee downtown…THEN, the Shoot Out will take place at 6 PM, and the rodeo at 8 PM — and that’s just on Saturday!

For more events, visit the event page by clicking here — via the JH Chamber of Commerce (who rocks!)


Congrats to grads of Laramie High School, who are graudating TONIGHT! If you’re among the many celebrating families, you may want to head to Alititude’s & Lovejoy’s for their specials…

Lovejoy’s Specials:

buffalo shrimp salad — Spicy breaded buffalo shrimp served on a spinach salad with shredded pepperjack cheese, tortilla chips and your choice of ranch or bleu cheese dressing. 8.

pasta special — Slices of grilled steak tossed with sauteed mushrooms, onions and marinara sauce. Served over cavatappi pasta with a sprinkle of asiago cheese. Accompanied by your choice of soup or a dinner salad. 11.

CONNECT WITH LOVEJOY’S:  Facebook  Four Square  on the web

Altitude’s Specials:

appetizer special – Pita pizza — Pita bread brushed with olive oil and topped with smoked salmon and dill sour cream. 8.
pan seared chicken breast — Served over harvest rice with peaches. Finished with a blueberry sage sauce. 12.5
flank steak — Marinated with a lightly spicy blend of garlic, jalapenos, onions and cilantro, grilled to your
liking and topped with pico de gallo. Served with roasted bell pepper mashed potatoes. 15.
pasta special — Fresh tomatoes, mushrooms, black olives, capers and anchovies tossed with garlic, lemon and olive oil and served over ziti pasta. 13.

TODAY!!! Altitude will be adding new beers on tap!  Buffalo Jones – A Cascadian Dark Ale, and Cowgirl – A German Kolsch

CONNECT WITH ALTITUDE:  Facebook  Twitter  Four Square  on the web

WANT TO SEE YOUR RESTAURANT FEATURED HERE WEEKLY? It’s easy — just shoot us a line at for more info!




Our Sister Publications:  Wyovore —  Wyoming Weddings —  WYO XY — Wyoming Woman —