We’re thrilled to add another guest blogger – Sara Pinson, RD, LD, who will provide us with tips on eating & staying healthy. Certainly something that is applicable to everyone!

Sara Pinson is a Registered Dietitian, Wellness Coach and Type I Diabetic. As the owner of Sustainable Wellness, she works with individuals and organizations to help people make health changes simple, not hard. Sara Pinson, RD, LD foodladytalks@gmail.com
How do you want your 2014 to “taste”?
Build Your Base by Practicing “You Can Do” Weekly Resolutions
Compliments of Sara Pinson, RD, LD
Sustainable Wellness: One Bite @ a Time!
“The little train went roaring on, so fast, it seemed to fly
Until it reached a mountain rising almost to the sky
The little engine moaned and groaned and huffed and puffed away
But halfway to the top it just gave up and seemed to say
I can’t go on, I can’t go on, I’m weary as can be
I can’t go on, I can’t go on, this job is not for me…
I think I can, I think I can, I think I have a plan
And I can do ‘most anything if I only think I can”
The 1930’s child’s book titled The Little Engine That Could originally authored by Platt & Munk CO., Inc. told a sweet and simple, yet meaningful story. A story that can easily be applicable to so many aspects of our life. Change, such a hard thing to do. Takes willpower. If only it could be as easy as the characters tell us in The Little Engine That Could. News alert…it CAN. Take a step back and consider what it would look like if your New Year’s resolutions could actually turn into habits that don’t fly away in the Wyoming wind? What if you woke up and made the following promise to yourself… “Each day of the week, I will do just one thing to make a better me.” Up for it? Below you will find a suggested daily “to-do” list. Read on…and THINK you can…because you “can do most anything” if “only” you think you can.
Monday- Identify your motivation level. Your motivation drives your commitment, your sustainability and ultimately your success. Choose your number TODAY. Are you a 1 and not really into this change for the better type of thing? Are you a 5 and somewhere in the middle and not really sure which direction you want to head in or are you a 10 and just can’t wait to begin your journey towards a healthier YOU, no matter how challenging it may be? Stay true to your number and recognize what increases, decreases, or holds you motivation steady.
Tuesday-Try a new and unfamiliar fruit. Variety is so important when trying to sustain your wellness. Often we get tired of the same types of foods. Keep it new, fresh and exciting by putting yourself out there and trying an unfamiliar fruit. Have you ever heard of blood oranges or dragon fruits? Take a few minutes today and read up on a fruit you have never tried before. You may surprise yourself and like it!
Wednesday- Try a new and unfamiliar vegetable. We tend to turn to the usual, carrots, broccoli and greens beans. But what about eggplant, radish, kale, brussel sprouts or spaghetti squash? The list goes on when it comes to veggies you may have never heard of before. Spearhead a family challenge, try to find vegetables that begin with the letter A, then B, then C and so forth. What an innovative way to get your kids to try a new food and add some spunk to your usual choices!
Thursday-Take 5 minutes out of your day, increase the volume on your I-Phone and bust a move. Getting your heart huffing and puffing gives you an energy burst that is priceless. Taking just a few minutes out of your day and allowing yourself to be a little “silly” goes a long way in the day’s productivity and sets the stage for a happy mood and decreases stress level. Grab a friend, a co-worker or a family member and combine fun with fitness!
Thursday: Look at a food label of a food or drink that you have in your house. You may just surprise yourself and recognize what REALLY is in some of your household staples. If you find that it’s loaded with sugar and fat, this doesn’t mean you CAN’T have it. Raise your awareness. Saving those indulgences as a “sometime” food grants you the permission to enjoy it but with portion and frequency control in mind.
Friday: Use measuring utensils to measure out your cereal, rice or pasta. Get ready for a wakeup call! It accumulates quickly. Adding perspective to what and how much you are eating goes a long way in promoting appropriate serving sizes. You won’t know until you do it, so grab that utensil, measure up and resonate on where improvement may be necessary.
Saturday: Take 15 minutes to eat your meal. We call this “mindful eating”. Take home message, the slower you eat, the less you will eat and the faster you will get full. Mealtime should be a relaxing family centered activity, so take your time, engage in conversation (without food in your mouth) and enjoy each other’s company. The hustle and bustle of the day deserves a dinner meal that is free from distraction and simply…peaceful.
Sunday: Share with 1 person, 1 change you have made this week. Two huge aspects of sustaining wellness is holding yourself accountable and being proud of YOU. If you made a goal and stuck with it…celebrate! Change is hard and should be recognized. Even if it was as simple as going to the gym once in the last 5 days, great work and spread the word. Remember living a healthy life is contagious so you are it and pass it on!