Pioneer Museum’s Sheep Shearing Day in Lander

Pioneer Museum Sheep Shearing Day — A Wonderful Woolly Day!

text & images courtesy Pioneer Museum, Lander

On the prettiest day of the spring so far, over 300 people came out to Lander’s Pioneer Museum to celebrate the history and heritage of the sheep industry in Fremont County and have fun.

It was the third annual Sheep Shearing Day, which has been a popular spring event at the museum. Designed to recognize the long history of the sheep industry in the area, there were shearing demonstrations, crafts for kids, a petting zoo, horseback rides and talks on the history of sheep. Sponsored by the Lander and Riverton McDonalds, it was the first Kids Exploration program of the summer.

A new addition this year were lamb burgers grilled up by the Fremont County Pioneer Association. The lamb was provided by the Wyoming Wool Growers Association (WWGA), and was a huge hit with people.

Amy Hendricks of the WWGA said one of their missions was to get people more aware of how important the sheep industry still is to Wyoming’s economy. The fresh lamb is just one product produced in the state by the industry.

John Farr of Encampment did several talks on the history of the sheep business from the time of Christ to the present. “What a wonderful event,” he said. “It’s a great way to get young people involved in our history.”

According to Museum Curator Randy Wise, Sheep Shearing Day will be back. “We are always adding new things and making it a bigger, better event.” Wise said that there are many events throughout the summer at the museum, from Treks and Speakers to kids exploration programs. Two upcoming events for kids are Kids Gold Panning Day May 11, and Pioneer Arts and Crafts June 10.

Call the museum to sign up (space in the two kid’s program is limited) or check the museum website for more information.

Sara Pinson, RD, LD: Can Do Weekly Resolutions


We’re thrilled to add another guest blogger – Sara Pinson, RD, LD, who will provide us with tips on eating & staying healthy. Certainly something that is applicable to everyone!


Sara Pinson is a Registered Dietitian, Wellness Coach and Type I Diabetic.  As the owner of Sustainable Wellness, she works with individuals and organizations to help people make health changes simple, not hard.  Sara Pinson, RD, LD

How do you want your 2014 to “taste”?

Build Your Base by Practicing “You Can Do” Weekly Resolutions

Compliments of Sara Pinson, RD, LD

Sustainable Wellness:  One Bite @ a Time!


“The little train went roaring on, so fast, it seemed to fly
Until it reached a mountain rising almost to the sky
The little engine moaned and groaned and huffed and puffed away
But halfway to the top it just gave up and seemed to say

I can’t go on, I can’t go on, I’m weary as can be
I can’t go on, I can’t go on, this job is not for me…

I think I can, I think I can, I think I have a plan
And I can do ‘most anything if I only think I can”

The 1930’s child’s book titled The Little Engine That Could originally authored by Platt & Munk CO., Inc. told a sweet and simple, yet meaningful story.  A story that can easily be applicable to so many aspects of our life.  Change, such a hard thing to do.  Takes willpower.  If only it could be as easy as the characters tell us in The Little Engine That Could.  News alert…it CAN.  Take a step back and consider what it would look like if your New Year’s resolutions could actually turn into habits that don’t fly away in the Wyoming wind?  What if you woke up and made the following promise to yourself… “Each day of the week, I will do just one thing to make a better me.”  Up for it? Below you will find a suggested daily “to-do” list.  Read on…and THINK you can…because you “can do most anything” if “only” you think you can.
Monday- Identify your motivation level.  Your motivation drives your commitment, your sustainability and ultimately your success.  Choose your number TODAY.  Are you a 1 and not really into this change for the better type of thing?  Are you a 5 and somewhere in the middle and not really sure which direction you want to head in or are you a 10 and just can’t wait to begin your journey towards a healthier YOU, no matter how challenging it may be?  Stay true to your number and recognize what increases, decreases, or holds you motivation steady.

Tuesday-Try a new and unfamiliar fruit.  Variety is so important when trying to sustain your wellness.  Often we get tired of the same types of foods.  Keep it new, fresh and exciting by putting yourself out there and trying an unfamiliar fruit. Have you ever heard of blood oranges or dragon fruits? Take a few minutes today and read up on a fruit you have never tried before. You may surprise yourself and like it!

Wednesday- Try a new and unfamiliar vegetable.  We tend to turn to the usual, carrots, broccoli and greens beans. But what about eggplant, radish, kale, brussel sprouts or spaghetti squash?  The list goes on when it comes to veggies you may have never heard of before.  Spearhead a family challenge, try to find vegetables that begin with the letter A, then B, then C and so forth.  What an innovative way to get your kids to try a new food and add some spunk to your usual choices!

Thursday-Take 5 minutes out of your day, increase the volume on your I-Phone and bust a move.  Getting your heart huffing and puffing gives you an energy burst that is priceless.  Taking just a few minutes out of your day and allowing yourself to be a little “silly” goes a long way in the day’s productivity and sets the stage for a happy mood and decreases stress level. Grab a friend, a co-worker or a family member and combine fun with fitness!

Thursday: Look at a food label of a food or drink that you have in your house.   You may just surprise yourself and recognize what REALLY is in some of your household staples.  If you find that it’s loaded with sugar and fat, this doesn’t mean you CAN’T have it.  Raise your awareness.  Saving those indulgences as a “sometime” food grants you the permission to enjoy it but with portion and frequency control in mind.

Friday: Use measuring utensils to measure out your cereal, rice or pasta.  Get ready for a wakeup call!  It accumulates quickly.  Adding perspective to what and how much you are eating goes a long way in promoting appropriate serving sizes. You won’t know until you do it, so grab that utensil, measure up and resonate on where improvement may be necessary.

Saturday:  Take 15 minutes to eat your meal.  We call this “mindful eating”.  Take home message, the slower you eat, the less you will eat and the faster you will get full.  Mealtime should be a relaxing family centered activity, so take your time, engage in conversation (without food in your mouth) and enjoy each other’s company. The hustle and bustle of the day deserves a dinner meal that is free from distraction and simply…peaceful. 

Sunday: Share with 1 person, 1 change you have made this week.  Two huge aspects of sustaining wellness is holding yourself accountable and being proud of YOU.  If you made a goal and stuck with it…celebrate!  Change is hard and should be recognized.  Even if it was as simple as going to the gym once in the last 5 days, great work and spread the word.  Remember living a healthy life is contagious so you are it and pass it on!


UW Women’s Leadership Conference features Dr. Erin Foley

visit our website & read the current issue

We’re very excited to introduce contributor Liberty Lausterer! Liberty moved to Wyoming with her husband and cats in July 2013. She is excited to explore the vast riches of this place, its people, and the cross-country skiing trails. Originally from eastern Nebraska, she studied history in college in Iowa, followed by graduate work in California. She spent the past nine years as a Lutheran pastor and is ready to see what new opportunities await her in Wyoming. Her hobbies include writing, swimming, herding cats, the adventure of high-altitude baking, trolling the web for interior design inspiration, and she is currently learning to knit her first hat. Welcome, Liberty!


by Liberty Lausterer

This weekend (November 8th-9th) I attended the UW Women’s Leadership Conference.  The conference was intended to empower women in Wyoming by teaching us to embrace our strengths, leave behind our weaknesses, and take hold of a life that brings us true happiness. The two day event featured a keynote speaker and three workshops, all intended to equip women with the tools necessary to live strong lives, embracing the very best of what we have to offer.

Keynote speaker, Dr. Erin Foley, teaches Communication Arts at State University of New York at Oneonta. In her keynote, entitled “The Fearless Female and the Freedom to be HAPPY,” Dr. Foley posed the following questions to women:

What if we were less obsessed with beauty?

What if we embraced confidence instead of modesty?

What if we got comfortable with confrontation?

What if we focused on abundance instead of scarcity?

What if we focused on our strengths and not our weaknesses?

Foley explained how cultural beliefs teach women to play down our strengths, creating a false sense of modesty and feeding into a mentality of scarcity. Rather than affirming ourselves and other women, we tell ourselves “I am not enough.” This hypercritical, “Mean Girls,” environment breeds desperation and jealousy. Women end up fixated on all that we are not, instead of engaging with the things that make us feel energized and strong.

The time we spend eradicating our weaknesses pulls us away from cultivating our strengths, says Foley. She defines a strength as the place where your skill meets an emotional state. When you are doing something well, and it leaves you energized, you have honed in on a strength. We may be good at many things, but if they don’t fill us up, we won’t be able to sustain the energy to excel at them. We can perform well in an area, and still end up feeling weak, tired, bored, and frustrated. Foley challenges women to look for the moments that feel good to us, lean into them, and we will lead more fulfilling, strong lives. “Excellence,” says Foley, “is fueled by passion.”

For a suggested donation of $10 this conference certainly delivered ten fold on content and encouragement. It feels especially meaningful when placed against the backdrop of Wyoming’s equality heritage. In a state with a long history of strong female leadership it is encouraging to discover ways women are coming together to support each other, find inspiration for our passions and purpose, and forge new pathways as leaders in Wyoming. 



Our sister publications:  Wyoming Weddings  WYO XY Wyovore The Wyoming Woman

art by Tawni Shuler

Sheridan — Tawni Shuler Show at Sagebrush Community Art Center

The Sagebrush Community Art Center hosts “Unraveling,” an exhibition of artwork by Tawni Shuler, which opens September 22 at the Historic Depot on 201 E. 5th St in Sheridan.  An Artist’s Reception is scheduled for September 27th, from 5-7pm.  The show runs through October 27th.

Shuler’s her work is inspired by memories of growing up in Wyoming and experiencing the western landscape and its life cycles.  She works primarily with painting and drawing materials, in addition to mixed media, such as collected pieces of the landscape: bones, plants and dirt.  Her work has shown nationally, and Shuler recently participated in the Jentel Artist Residency Program in Banner.

Shuler states, “It is the experience in the details of a place that define it, make it unforgettable and almost magical.  I am inspired by memories of landscape: the life cycles of its inhabitants and plants, the drastic seasons, possessing qualities of both grittiness and frailty.”

Shuler is currently Visiting Artist at Sheridan College, where she teaches painting and drawing.

art by Jerry Wood

Laramie — Prospectus for: WOW FAB Women Show 2012

This Works of Wyoming (WOW) exhibition will showcase artists working in varied media. Subject matter presented is by, for, or about fab women. Submit up to 3 original pieces for consideration in the following categories: original 2-D work, paintings, drawings, mixed media, printmaking, digital media, & photography. 3-D work: sculpture, metal, ceramics, glass, jewelry and mixed media. All work must be new to the gallery at Works of Wyoming (not previously shown), not mass produced, and copyright adherent. All work must be suitably framed, mounted, and wired for installation. Non-glare glass is preferred for photography purposes.  Jurors reserve the right to disqualify any work not suitably presented, or any work not corresponding to the entry image or community standards. Size restriction for 2-D work: No larger than 24″ X 24″. This show is open to all artists in Wyoming.

How to Submit: submit up to 3 images of work via email to: as an attachment in jpeg format. Please include title, media or technique, & size of the work in the body of your email. 

*Sept 23 — Deadline for email Submissions  *Sept 27 —  Email Notification                                            *Oct   4 — Work delivery deadline to begin set-up  *Oct 13 Sat. —  10-4pm reception and show opening. Join Us for the “Painted Bra” Initiative and create a painted/decorated bra in our workshop space to exhibit in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Check out the window display for this one!  *Nov 10 — Show closes 6pm  *Nov 12-13 — Artists pick up work          

Receipt of the completed application form constitutes your agreement to all conditions established in this prospectus. WOW will provide insurance for all work while onsite, artists are responsible for insuring work in transit. Consent to use photos of work for promotional purposes is assumed unless otherwise stated by artist.

Norwegian Bowl by Diane Edwards

CHEYENNE:  Art, Design & Dine Celebrate American Craft Week — Click here to see the feature in our Fall 2012 issue of Wyoming Lifestyle Magazine!

In a world of high tech, instant and mass produced, the hand crafted takes us back to an appreciation of “the irregular and intimate quality of things made entirely by the human hand.” (Willa Cather) Every October, crafts events and artisans around the nation are highlighted during American Craft Week. Crafts supporters can access events across the nation at their website at  Art tour organizer, originator, (and talented mixed media artist) Georgia Rowswell found out about the event last year and quickly scheduled a show for her gallery, Artful Hand Studio & Gallery in Cheyenne. “I paired Terry Kruezer with Curt Theobald, both gifted crafts people from the area. Wyoming had no representation on the American Craft Week website that year until my gallery signed up. This year will be different!” proclaims Rowswell.

Cheyenne’s Art Design & Dine will be celebrating along with the rest of the country during its regularly scheduled monthly art tour on October 11th from 5-8 pm. Tour venues are working together to provide a special evening that honors the talents of local and regional crafts people. Here is a sampling of what you can expect from female artisans during October’s art tour:

Fiber artist Christi Beckman’s show, Intersections, will be on display at Artful Hand Studio & Gallery.  Artist reception will be held during Art Design & Dine on Thursday, October 11 from 5-8 PM. Additional show hours on Friday, October 12 from 5-8 PM and Saturday October 13 from 10-3 PM. Christi will be demonstrating some of her techniques on October 12 from 6-8 PM. Artful Hand Studio & Gallery is located at 302 East 1st Ave Cheyenne WY .

The Nagle Warren Mansion (located at 222 East 17th Street in Cheyenne) will be featuring four crafts women:  dumpster glass by Beth Ruli; basketry by Linda Behrens; rosemaling by Diane Edwards and quilting by Cindy Paul. The show opens October 1, with an artists’ reception and rosemailing demonstration during Art Design & Dine on October 11 from 5-8. The show runs through October 27. The gallery is open during regular business hours. For further information call 307-637-3333.

In addition to these lovely women artisans, Steve Schrepferman’s ceramic sculptures will be on display at Clay Paper Scissors Gallery and Studio, located at 1506 Thomes Avenue in Cheyenne. Steve hails from Cody, Wyoming and will be on hand to talk about his work during the art tour on October 11 from 5-8 PM . The show continues until November 30. For more information and gallery hours call 307-631-6039.

Art Design & Dine is pleased to be a part of American Craft Week. “The creative sector is an important part of the vitality of any city and Cheyenne is no exception,” Georgia says. “This is a great opportunity to meet the creative forces behind the work and just enjoy a night of the arts.”


Artist Heidi Huggins creates custom painted art utilizing the tools of the trade out west. “Ranch and Rodeo are a way of life for me, but more so my art is my life,” Heidi says. “I strive to combine the two with hand-painted Bronc Halters and other horse tack.”  In these awards designed and pictured above, made for the Thar family’s Ranch Sorting event, Heidi is excited to help with events that are geared toward the entire family being able to get out there and compete.  “I am very proud to be able to paint award halters for them and any other Wyoming ranch or rodeo club in the future,” Heidi says. This coming weekend, check out the RSNC event , Thar’s Ranch Sorting, at the Gillette Camplex East Pavillion!  Sat, Sept 22~ 9am-12am Sun, Sept 23 ~ 9am-8pm Contact:  Stacey Thar~ 685-0149 for more info!


Our sister publications:  Wyoming Weddings  WYO XY Wyovore  The Wyoming Woman

On the Calendar & Food News: June 21, 2012


Our Sister Publications:  Wyoming Weddings —  Wyovore —  WYO XY — Wyoming Woman —

click on the link to connect with Evanston Bluegrass Festival — THIS Saturday, June 23…

Lots of event & foodie news from across Wyoming… If you have an event or food-based business that you want to see featured in our weekly blog, give us a holler —

3rd Thursday Sheridan image from 3rd Thursday Sheridan committee

SHERIDAN TONIGHT, JUNE 21! Downtown Sheridan’s 3rd Thursday event kicks off for the summer! Follow the link to a great informational video:


Visit Flaming Gorge Days for “Southwest Wyoming’s Weekend of Fun!” in Green River — sports tourneys including bball, golf, dodgeball, children’s entertainment, horseshoes, a parade, concerts… Lots of action in a beautiful community!

Crawfish Boil in Jackson — image from 307 Live


12:00 PM, Cutty’s Lawn, check out Stooges Brass Band from NOLA headlining at the LARGEST crawfish boil in the Rocky Mtn Region! Tickets $15 in advance, $20 day of — click here for more info  Thanks 307 Live for the scoop!

CHEYENNE, JUNE 22-24 — Celtic Music Arts Festival 7th Annual Event

My Irish dancing heart skips a beat at the mention of this event! Check out the 7th annual Celtic Music Arts Festival. LOTS of artists and fun — check out the Cheyenne  Depot Museum website for more info…


Gilchrist Gallery in Wheatland is celebrating their 2nd anniversary! Come celebrate fine arts, craftsmanship & collectibles in Downtown Wheatland at 867 Gilchrist.  Noon – 5 PM Friday, June 22; 9 AM – 5 PM Saturday, June 23 — click here for more info!

image from Gillette’s Donkey Creek Festival


Enjoy three days of nationally renowned musicians and FABULOUS music in Gillette — all for free! Visit the festival’s website for schedule of events — a rapidly expanding event since 2006!


This annual event is named in honor of a friendly, although ill-fated, pooch that liked running alongside a group of local cyclists — and has become a much anticipated race in the Wyoming cycling arena. Click here for more info.


Head up to Thermopolis June 22-23 for the Cowboy Rendezvous PRCA Rodeo! Rodeo action begins at 7 PM each night; slack performed all day June 23. Parade will be held June 23 at 10 AM, and a dance after the June 23 night performance! Click here for more info…

EASTERN SHOSHONE INDIAN DAYS POW WOW:  Visit the Wind River Country tourism website for more information on this event, running June 21-23!



Altitude — This week, you’ll not only find Altitude’s microbrews at the bar, but in our special entree recipes, as well. Enjoy our beer both ways!

potato skins appetizer Smoked beef brisket, bacon, cheddar cheese and green onions baked on potato skins, Served with bbq bleu cheese sauce. 7.
baked salmon Served over rice simmered in Tumblewheat ale with sauteed red bell peppers, green onions and water chestnuts. Finished with a wasabi teriyaki sauce. 16.5
chicken “wit-sala” A new take on the classic chicken marsala. Pan seared chicken breast, sauteed garlic, mushrooms and onions served over fettuccine in a Solar Wit ale sauce. 12.5
eight ounce pork loin Grilled and brushed with a Bearpaw Brown ale and honey glaze. Served with a bacon, green onion and smoked gouda potato cake. 14.

Connect with Altitude:  Facebook  Twitter  FourSquare  ontheweb


stuffed tomato Homemade chicken salad studded with celery, carrots, pickles, onions and dill. Stuffed into a fresh tomato and served with your choice of fries, chips and salsa, creamy mashed potatoes, cottage cheese or dinner salad. 7.5
mustard bbq beef sandwich Beef brisket marinated in a sweet and tangy mustard bbq sauce and stacked on a kaiser with melted white cheddar cheese. Served with your choice of fries, chips and salsa, creamy mashed potatoes, cottage cheese or dinner salad. 9.

Connect with Lovejoy’s:  Facebook  FourSquare  ontheweb


  • WYO FARM & RANCH FAMILY BBQ, JULY 9, 1-7 pm, LANDER — Hosted by the Crofts Family Ranch & The Fremont County Cattleman’s Assoc.
    Afternoon BBQ open to ag families and their surrounding community. Featuring a walking tour of South Pass and group discussion about issues facing the industry. Contact the Wyoming Stock Growers Association for more info to RSVP – (307) 638-3942 or (there is no charge for this event.)
  • ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP TOUR, JULY 12, PINEDALE: Sommers Ranch  hosts this celebration of Wyoming Environmental Stewardship Day by touring its beautiful ranch. This is an all-day complimentary event, meals and on-site transportation are provided. Contact the Wyoming Stock Growers Association for more info or to RSVP – (307) 638-3942 or (there is no charge for this event, but RSVP is required).
  • BIG HORN MOUNTAIN FESTIVAL, BUFFALO:  July 6,7,8, check out this fabulous event full of bluegrass & traditional music for the whole family:
  • OYSTER RIDGE MUSIC FESTIVAL, KEMMERER:  July 27-29 The home of the Wyoming Flatpick Guitar Championships plus a variety of nationally renowned and Wyoming musicians. Food, fun and listening enjoyment, in a beautiful atmosphere.
  • BEAR TRAP MUSIC FESTIVAL, CASPER:  August 4-5, this event draws the masses to Casper Mountain for a day of jamming.


Our Sister Publications:  Wyoming Weddings —  Wyovore —  WYO XY — Wyoming Woman —

WYOVORE: Food & Art & WYPA


Our Sister Publications:  Wyoming Weddings —  Wyovore —  WYO XY — Wyoming Woman —


WY-P-A being enjoyed at Freedom’s Edge Brewery in Cheyenne…

WY-P-A — What is it and why are people talking so much about it?

Since mid-April, we’ve been including news on WY-P-A on our blogs, and it has appeared in local newspapers and on Facebook. But…what is it? And why is it such a big deal? Here’s our synopsis and why we’re excited:  WY-P-A is a collaboration beer, created through the joint efforts of many of the breweries throughout Wyoming.  There are several breweries in Wyoming, and they all are quite awesome for the same reasons as well as reasons unique to them. There are many things I have learned about beer since we began Wyoming Lifestyle Magazine:  #1 — Beer is an art form. And brewers, with the breweries that they represent, are artists in the purest sense of the word. Just because you can consume their media does not make it any less art, in my book.  #2 — Craft brewing has a following unique to anything else out there, and brewers are a friendly bunch. From my conversations with brewers in a few of Wyoming’s breweries, they’re also friendly with each other. And WY-P-A is a good demonstration of that.

Coming together in Pinedale in mid-April to create WY-P-A

So Wyoming’s breweries came together in mid-April, in Pinedale, and had a weekend of palling around and making a new brew. A brew that they all had a part in — that they all collaborated in. Hence, we have WY-P-A, a pale ale that is a collaboration of all the breweries together. Now THAT’S pretty darn cool, in my opinion. It’s kinda like the best bronze sculptors across Wyoming coming together to all make one massive, amazing sculpture. Or the best painters coming together to create one gigantic mural at once. Cool, right? Absolutely.

On May 14, this past Monday, the breweries across Wyoming opened their taps and all served a portion of this collaborative, super cool effort, this WY-P-A. (I *believe* the word is that it’s still out there, although I heard from Snake River Brewing that it was a-going fast.) On May 14, also, those who dig the craft beer scene headed down to their local Wyoming brewery to sample this effort — so, in effect, a bunch of Wyoming’s citizens collaborated at once to sample a collaboration brew. Again — cool, right? Absolutely.

So in the spirit of this super-cool event, and in the hopes that it continue in the future, we raise a glass and congratulate the Wyoming breweries who put their teamwork into this collaborative brew — and hope that you get to enjoy it too! Click on the link below to check out the slide show of images from those Wyoming breweries that were so kind to share — a little bit of their own WY-P-A excitement, local-style…



The Cheyenne International Film Festival is about to begin! May 17-20, enjoy Wyoming productions and independent films. We’re also thrilled to be sponsoring the screening of Wyoming Triumph by KGB Productions in Jackson, Wyoming.  Click here for a trailer of Wyoming Triumph – this action-packed ski film takes viewers on a tour of Wyoming’s skiing destinations and locations.  Definitely one to check out!  Wyoming Triumph will be played as part of the Wyoming Showcase on Friday, May 18.  Also at the Wyoming Showcase, the winner of the Wyoming Film Office’s Short Film Contest will be screened.  This is a night of Wyoming film talent not to be missed!

***If you own a restaurant or other food-based business, we’d love to include you in our specials section! Send us an email at for more information!

JACKSON — Bike to Work Day Followed by Free Grub

May 18 is National Bike to Work Day – please consider riding your bike to work or school to help support a healthy you and a healthy community! And on your way home – stop by the Lexington at Jackson Hole Hotel & Suites (285 N. Cache) – for the… 1st Annual Bike Away From Work Party

3:30p-6:30p $3 Snake River Brewery Beers  Free Hot Dogs

Several of our local bike shops will be there – conducting free bike safety checks —  Friends of Pathways, US Forest Service, Rendezvous Lands Conservancy and other community advocacy groups will be in attendance — The Jackson Hole Historical Museum will be showing videos of bike history and Doug Lowtham will be there with his Penny Farthing bike! Come join the fun – it’s FREE! And child friendly!

LARAMIE – -Lovejoy’s Specials

potato skins Baked potato skins loaded with creamy potato filling, shredded cheddar cheese, bacon and green onion. Served with a side of sour cream. 6.

grilled brat Topped with sauteed onions, mushrooms and sauerkraut and tucked in a bun. Served with your choice of fries, chips and salsa, creamy mashed potatoes, cottage cheese or dinner salad. 8.

Connect with Lovejoy’s:  Facebook  Four Square  on the web

Altitude Chophouse & Brewery Specials

appetizer special Smoked salmon mousse garnished with capers and red onions. Served with crostini. 6.5
pan seared salmon filet Served with a spicy rice featuring four fresh peppers: jalapeno, chipotle, Anaheim and red bell. Finished with a pineapple green onion relish. 15.5
baked flank steak roulade thin flank steak rolled with Asiago artichoke spread, sundried tomatoes, red bell peppers and green onion. Served with roasted Yukon Gold potatoes. 15.
pork loin medallions brushed with garlic butter and grilled. Served with smoked gouda mashed potatoes and fresh asparagus. 14.

Connect with Altitude: Facebook  Twitter  Four Square  on the web


Our Sister Publications:  Wyoming Weddings —  Wyovore —  WYO XY — Wyoming Woman —