Early Childhood Expert Nancy Bruski Presents Workshop for Parents & Teachers
Jackson, WY- Join early childhood expert Nancy Bruski for educational workshops tailored for parents, teachers and caregivers interacting with children age 8 and younger. Bruski founded and owns Wise Choice Guidance, www.wisechoiceguidance.com, in Evanston, IL providing therapy and training, consultation and workshops for early educators and parents. She published her first book “The Insightful Teacher: Reflective Strategies to Shape Your Early Childhood Classroom,” last fall.
While visiting Jackson, Bruski will present four, free workshops. Her visit is sponsored and supported by Teton County Library, Children’s Learning Center and Head Start, Old Wilson Schoolhouse Community Center and Wilson Elementary School.
Registration is required, and Spanish translation is available on request. Contact the Library’s Assistant Director, Isabel Zumel: izumel@tclib.org or 733-2164 ext. 101.
Friday, October 3
Help Your Child Build Inner Controls Without Losing Control Yourself
9:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Library Ordway Auditorium
Learn techniques for engaging cooperation – without yelling or nagging – and helping children learn self-control and responsibility.
Raising Self Confident Children
12:30 – 1:30 p.m.
Old Wilson Schoolhouse Community Center, Wilson
Discover strategies for raising confident children who feel understood even when they don’t always get what they want.
Kindergarten Readiness: What Parents Should Do & Expect from Schools
6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Library Ordway Auditorium
Understand what Kindergarten readiness means, including what you should expect from elementary schools and how to be an effective advocate for your child. In English with Spanish translation.
Saturday, October 4
Reflective Teachers Are Effective Teachers: Creating Compassionate Classrooms
9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Library Ordway Auditorium
Early childhood expert, Nancy Bruski, will present the classroom philosophy and approach described in her book, “The Insightful Teacher.” She will present a path to success as a teacher of young children that explores a wide range of topics, including: what it means to be reflective in one’s work, how to have developmentally appropriate expectations of children, setting up the physical environments to support successful behaviors, building strong connections with families, alternatives to consequences for managing behaviors, and developing individualized intervention strategies for chronically challenging behaviors.
Applicable to preschool teachers, early elementary school teachers and child care providers. 6 STARS credits approved. Simultaneous Spanish translation available upon request.
Nancy Bruski
Nancy Bruski has a 30-plus year career specializing in work with children and families. Her initial training was at the Virginia Frank Child Development Center in Chicago, which specializes in providing therapy as well as a therapeutic preschool/kindergarten program for emotionally disturbed preschoolers and their families. She has since delivered services to staff, parents and children in several agency settings.
Nancy began her private clinical social work therapy, consultation and professional speaking practice in 1980. Currently, Nancy is an Adjunct Professor at Oakton Community College, teaching “Child Development” and “Guidance in the Early Childhood Classroom;”an Early Childhood Consultant to the Gertrude B. Nielsen Early Learning Center, a Full-Day NAEYC accredited program in suburban Chicago.
Nancy is committed to assisting teachers and parents to become more psychologically sensitive to children by helping them create strategies and interventions that increase children’s social-emotional competence.
For more information or to register for Bruski’s workshops in Jackson, call Library Assistant Director at 307.733.2164 ext. 101 or email izumel@tclib.org.