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Laramie Main Street’s Downtown Mash Up Sept 17 + Art Walk Sept 16
Art, Most Recent, Shop WYO, WY People, Wyoming Business, Wyoming Family, Wyoming Travel and Tourism, Wyoming Woman
Bent & Rusty Barn Sale South of Laramie
THE BENT & RUSTY COTTON COMPANY of Laramie has lots happening! Out & About around Southeast Wyoming today (July 16)? Check out Laramie’s The Bent & Rusty Cotton Company‘s Barn Sale! “The Bent & Rusty Barn Sale is open early. 10% OFF your entire purchase. Located at 4733 West End Road. Head South out of Laramie on US HWY 287 for 1.5 miles and follow the colorful flags and Barn Sale signs. Call 307-760-4139 for questions.” They have really fun & unique items & decor! The Bent & Rusty Cotton Company has regular barn sales like this one – stay tuned to their website & Facebook page for information on…
Distribution Locations, Most Recent, Shop WYO, WY People, Wyoming Business, Wyoming Family, Wyoming Main Streets, Wyoming Travel and Tourism, Wyoming Woman
SHOP WYOMING: Laramie’s Curiosity Shoppe Cool Gifts for Dad (or you!)
THE CURIOSITY SHOPPE Laramie, Wyoming 206 S. 2nd St. Historic Downtown Laramie 307.745.4401 www.curiosityshoppewy.com / facebook / email We really dig shopping at the Curiosity Shoppe, a treasure trove of Laramie gifts. The location is a long-time Laramie staple, a Hallmark store that does so much more and today has evolved into a hip locale to find your favorite people a kickin’ gift. New owners Alec & Jodi Shea bring their passion and community drive to the store, and it shows when you walk in the door. Alec knows his customers, their families, their careers, their hobbies … and if he’s out hitting some awesome Wyoming water way…
WY FOODIE: Laramie’s Chalk ‘n Cheese Begins Platter & Wine Flight Nights & Much More!
LARAMIE’S CHALK ‘N CHEESE BEGINS EXCITING NEW EVENTS IN MARCH! We are so excited for Laramie’s Chalk ‘n Cheese, located in Historic Downtown Laramie at 209-211 S. 2nd St. (Yes, you read that right – walk through the lovely brick archway between the two buildings for lots of gourmet yumminess + antiques!) Cyndi & Misty, the two energetic & fun-loving owners of Chalk ‘n Cheese, were the recipients of the latest retail liquor license awarded in Laramie, and they are putting it to fabulous use! Starting in March 2016, enjoy Meat & Cheese Platter Nights, PLUS W ine Flights, where these two lovely foodies will assemble a scrumptious tasting…
Most Recent, Shop WYO, WY People, Wyoming Athletics, Wyoming Business, Wyoming Main Streets, Wyoming Travel and Tourism, Wyoming Woman
SHOP WYO: The Bent & Rusty Cotton Company, Laramie, WY
We love The Bent & Rusty Cotton Company in Downtown Laramie! Be sure to keep up with their Facebook page for their regular barn sales (next one, November 28!), sales & specials! Also … find your favorite Dead Drift Fly apparel in store! When you’re in Laramie, be sure to eat at J’s Steakhouse in Laramie, and enjoy (and SHOP!) Bent & Rusty while there! Below is just a little taste of what you can find in their shop at 117 E. Grand Avenue in Historic Downtown Laramie! The Bent & Rusty Cotton Company Address: 117 E. Grand Avenue — Laramie, Wy Phone: 307.460.9265 Website: www.thebentandrusty.com Facebook Do you…
Art, Most Recent, WY People, Wyoming Business, Wyoming Family, Wyoming Main Streets, Wyoming Travel and Tourism
WY Main Streets: Rawlins DDA/Main Street Wins National Award; Downtown Laramie Depot Restoration Fundraiser
From the Wyoming Business Council: Rawlins wins 2015 Great American Main Street Award RAWLINS DDA/MAIN STREET WINS PRESTIGIOUS GREAT AMERICAN MAIN STREET AWARD IN ATLANTA! ATLANTA – Rawlins today became the first community in the northern Rocky Mountain region to win the prestigious Great American Main Street Award (GAMSA). Rawlins Downtown Development Authority/Main Street Executive Director Pam Thayer and staff along with board of directors, city council and Junior Main Street members, and downtown business owners and volunteers will officially receive the award during today’s opening plenary between 2 and 4 p.m. MDT at the 2015 National Main Streets Conference in Atlanta. Thayer launched Rawlins’ Main Street efforts in 2006.…
Most Recent, Uncategorized, WY People, Wyoming Business, Wyoming First Spotlights, Wyoming Main Streets, Wyoming Travel and Tourism, Wyoming Woman
Shop Wyoming: Chalk ‘n Cheese
Yesterday I visited Chalk n’ Cheese, a delightful specialty shop inside the original Copper Kettle & Antique Fever on South 2nd Street in Downtown Laramie… and picked myself up an equally delightful bottle of raspberry balsamic vinegar AND peppermint fudge sauce. Dinner was complete. Check out their supply of unique food items, cookware and beautiful antiques to house all of your lovely purchases! Also sign up for their newsletter, where you can learn more about the cooking classes and special events, such as their Valentine’s Day event with food, wine and dessert. Sign us up! Visit their newest newsletter here Like Chalk ‘n Cheese on Facebook
ON THE CALENDAR: July 19, 2013
visit our website & read the current issue ROCK SPRINGS: National High School Finals Rodeo Continues — through July 20 Sweetwater County and the Events Complex will be hosting 1,500+ competitors from 41 US states as well as 5 Provinces in Canada and Australia for the National High School Finals Rodeo, 2012-2015. The National High School Rodeo Finals is the largest rodeo in the world with 13 performances over 7 days. Sweetwater County is expected to realize an economic impact of $7-$8 million each year with attendance for the 13 performances topping 100,000 If you’re planning on attending the National High School Rodeo Finals, be sure and check out theirLodging…
Art, Most Recent, On the Calendar, Wyoming Business, Wyoming Restaurants, Wyoming Travel and Tourism, Wyovore Wyoming Food News
ON THE CALENDAR: March 22, 2013
VISIT OUR WEBSITE & READ THE CURRENT ISSUE: www.wyolifestyle.com OUR SISTER PUBLICATIONS: Wyoming Weddingshttp://www.wyoweddings.com/ Wyovore http://www.wyovore.com/ WYO XYhttp://www.wyolifestyle.com/WYOXY/index.html The Wyoming Woman http://www.thewyomingwoman.com/ CHEYENNE: WY State Museum New Exhibit From Arts Cheyenne: “Wyoming Passage,” a new temporary exhibit utilizing contemporary photographs and paintings, has opened at the Wyoming State Museum in Cheyenne. The exhibit combines images relating to transportation and the varied Wyoming landscape. Visit Arts Cheyenne online for more information! CASPER: Casper College Dance Classes ROCK SPRINGS — Community Fine Arts Center Celebrates Youth Art Month From the Community F.A. Center: YOUTH ART MONTH Student Exhibits have started at the Community Fine Arts Center! Rock Springs Junior High art students filled the gallery with great…
On the Calendar, WY People, Wyoming Athletics, Wyoming Business, Wyoming Family, Wyoming Restaurants, Wyoming Travel and Tourism, Wyovore Wyoming Food News
LINK TO OUR WEBSITE & READ THE CURRENT ISSUE: www.wyolifestyle.com OUR SISTER PUBLICATIONS: Wyoming Weddings: www.wyoweddings.com Wyovore: www.wyovore.com WYO XY http://www.wyolifestyle.com/WYOXY/index.html The Wyoming Woman http://www.thewyomingwoman.com/ WATCH OUR VIDEOS ON YOUTUBE! LARAMIE: WYOMING BUSINESS LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE OCTOBER 31 – NOVEMBER 2 Presented by the Wyoming Business Council and the University of Wyoming College of Business, the level one seminar is a valuable opportunity for business education. Contact Cyndi Garretson-Weibel for more information: cyndi.weibel@wyo.gov. SHERIDAN — BORN IN A BARN EVENT SEPTEMBER 14 & 15 Born in a Barn was created by Shelley Kinnison and Jill Chase to support our serious addiction to refinished, refurbished, repurposed, refreshed, reused, handcrafted, from the heart “stuff”. Luckily, we have found some others…
LINK BACK TO OUR WEBSITE: Wyoming Lifestyle Magazine www.wyolifestyle.com Wyovore www.wyovore.com Wyoming Weddings — www.wyoweddings.com WYO XY — http://www.wyolifestyle.com/WYOXY/index.html Have you purchased your Mistletoe Mosey button in Downtown Laramie yet? You can learn more about the program in our upcoming winter issue of Wyoming Lifestyle Magazine, but in the meantime, here’s some information about one of Dowtown Laramie’s energetic and successful programs that links the business owners together, as well as with the community! Primed for an enthusiastic repeat of 2010’s success, the Mistletoe Mosey was launched on Black Friday (November 25) and will run until 6 PM on December 23. The program is simple, and a lot of…