Most Recent, News From The Parks, WY People, Wyoming Family, Wyoming Travel and Tourism, Wyoming wildlife and scenery, Wyoming Woman, Yellowstone National Park
Liberty Lausterer: Hitch Your Wagon to the Stars
visit our website & read the new Sprinter 2014 issue! Our guest blogger, Liberty Lausterer, is back with another introspective look at our square state. Liberty moved to Wyoming within this past year, and offers us her perspective at life in the Cowboy State from a new resident’s eyes. HITCH YOUR WAGON TO THE STARS Here’s a scary thought. According to Tyler Nordgren, author of Stars Above, Earth Below: Astronomy in the National Parks, 50% of children born this year will never see the Milky Way. I’m no astronomer, but I’d say that’s pretty tragic news. At a recent talk Nordgren gave at UW, he shared how light pollution…
Art, Most Recent, WY People, Wyoming Business, Wyoming Restaurants, Wyoming Travel and Tourism, Wyovore Wyoming Food News
Wilson, WY’s Answer to the Winter Doldrums – by Liberty Lausterer
visit our website & read the current issue — Sprinter issue (Spring + Winter) will be coming before long! Liberty Lausterer, our guest blogger, is back with another look at life in Wyoming from a new resident’s eyes. We greatly appreciate learning what our state looks & learns like to someone new – always keeps the perspective fresh! Wilson, Wyoming’s Answer to the Winter Doldrums by Liberty Lausterer As a newcomer to Wyoming I have paid close attention when someone…
Liberty Lausterer: “This Wyoming Life”
visit our website & read the current issue Earlier this month I saw Ira Glass give a talk at the Jackson Hole Center for the Arts in Jackson, WY. Glass is the host of the public radio show This American Life. He appeared on stage wearing a skinny grey suit and tie, having flown in from NYC, and joked that he was way overdressed for his Wyoming audience. His blue jean wearing, ice pick carrying audience cheered him on in agreement. Then Glass did what he does best, he told stories. The stories he told, like those heard on This American Life, ranged from the weirdly mundane to the shockingly…
“Mama, Rock Me Like a Wagon Wheel…”
Thanks to our contributing blogger, Liberty Lausterer, for a look into square dancing! Thought of as country past times, square dancing and line dancing can be found throughout Wyoming. Liberty takes a look into the art of square dancing… by Liberty Lausterer Square Dancing Caller to Dancers: “Bow to your partner. Corner too. Circle left. Heads up to the center and back. Sides, Grand Square. Turn a corner. California Twirl. Dosados and swing your partner!” Old Crow Medicine Show If this square dancing speak reads a little like a foreign language, don’t worry, you’re not alone. Up until two months ago I had no idea what most of these calls meant. But…
Handmade in WY
Thanks to Liberty Lausterer for a look into gift giving this holiday season. Liberty moved to Wyoming a few months ago, and in that time has been on a quest to learn more about herself and her new home. I appreciate the viewpoint that she brings to her writing that we can share here – learning about our state from a new resident’s perpsective! HANDMADE IN WYOMING — by Liberty Lausterer “But it is a cold, lifeless business when you go to the shops to buy something, which does not represent your life and talent, but a goldsmith’s.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson, Gifts What handmade gift might you make this holiday…
Buffalo Bill Continues to Win Hearts of Europeans
visit our website & read the current issue Looking for a great Wyoming Christmas gift? Check out our WLM + Wyovore 2013 package – for just $20! Thanks to Liberty Lausterer for another great feature… this time, Liberty takes us across the pond for a look at how the Europeans view a great Wyoming legend, Buffalo Bill… BUFFALO BILL CONTINUES TO WIN HEARTS OF EUROPEANS by Liberty Lausterer – images credited as noted Travel Tip: If you travel to Europe, and happen to enter into casual conversation with a local, BE PREPARED. Be prepared that when an Italian, or a Frenchman, or an Englishman learns you are from WY you…
UW Women’s Leadership Conference features Dr. Erin Foley
visit our website & read the current issue We’re very excited to introduce contributor Liberty Lausterer! Liberty moved to Wyoming with her husband and cats in July 2013. She is excited to explore the vast riches of this place, its people, and the cross-country skiing trails. Originally from eastern Nebraska, she studied history in college in Iowa, followed by graduate work in California. She spent the past nine years as a Lutheran pastor and is ready to see what new opportunities await her in Wyoming. Her hobbies include writing, swimming, herding cats, the adventure of high-altitude baking, trolling the web for interior design inspiration, and she is currently learning to knit…