International Pedigree Stage Stop Sled Dog Race Kicks Off TONIGHT!
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We dare you to say the name 10 times fast – or even the acronym, IPSSSDR — I always get hung up on S #2. 🙂 This beyond awesome, annual event finds dog teams mushing across the western half of Wyoming, stopping in small towns along the way, and bringing together a whole lot of folks excited to see this wintry spectacle. The event kicks off TONIGHT, January 31, in Jackson (see event details below!) – and continues through February 8 with stops detailed below… Stay tuned to their website & Facebook page for pictures, details, updates & more!
Photos in this blog post taken from IPSSSDR Facebook page
The excitement of the 19th annual IPSSSDR will be unleashed tonight at the Town Square in downtown Jackson, Wyoming. It’s easy to find the starting line if you listen for the enthusiastic howls and excited barking of more than 300 sled dogs. And they are ready to run!! Prepare yourself for a full evening of events as this week shifts into high gear.
The first teams leave the starting chute at 6:30PM so come early to take advantage of the unique opportunities this race offers. You can meet and greet the mushers, see the lovely Rebecca Podio, Miss Wyoming 2013, watch video of previous races, and, on this cold night, enjoy some hot food and drink. You can even win prizes at the PEDIGREE® tent. Then pick out a choice spot to watch the teams as they race through the streets of Jackson on their way to the Snow King Resort. After you’ve seen the two and four footed athletes head down the block and out of sight, catch the free shuttle START BUS from Town Square to the Snow King Center. At the finish line you can congratulate the mushers and maybe even pet a dog or two, then watch the torch light parade as it snakes down the mountain (see photograph), the Jackson Hole Air Force participate. And if that isn’t enough, there will be dazzling fireworks, too.
The race continues for the next eight days, covering 330 miles with stops in Alpine, West Yellowstone, Lander, Pinedale, Big Piney/Marbleton, Kemmerer, and, crossing the final finish line February 8, in Evanston. Follow the race right here on Facebook or visit the official race website for exclusive coverage, photos, and current standings.