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    Needs of Dubois

    Dubois, WY, by Wind River Country – On Tuesday night, Dec. 30, Dubois Wyoming, in Fremont County, suffered a fire on their Main Street, burning multiple buildings and affecting numerous businesses. Needs of Dubois (NOD) is now accepting funds to help rebuild the areas affected by the fire. NOD is a volunteer organization with no paid staff and a registered 501 (c) 3 non-profit. Donations made to NOD are tax-deductible. Please make checks payable to Needs of Dubois and note ‘Dubois Fire’ in the memo of the check. Send checks to: PO Box 865, Dubois, WY 82513.   www.needsofdubois.org, needsofdubois@gmail.com, 307-455-3173. NOD will contact people affected by the fire and have…