Wyoming Lifestyle Magazine: www.wyolifestyle.com
Wyovore: www.wyovore.com
Our sister pub: Wyoming Weddings: www.wyoweddings.com
We’re familiar with breast cancer awareness month in October, and here is another worthwhile awareness topic for the month — domestic violence. Our agencies and SAFE houses across Wyoming work tirelessly protecting the lives of individuals affected by abuse. It’s an emotionally challenging profession and these individuals deserve applause for their efforts! Thanks to Governor Mead for recognizing the importance of this cause in Wyoming.
On October 5th, 2011, Governor Matt Mead signed an official Proclamation recognizing October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month in Wyoming.
Observing October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month began in 1987 to promote increased rights and services for domestic violence victims; to educate the public about the crisis of domestic violence and the prevalence of this epidemic in all of our lives; and to encourage involvement and support from our community for domestic violence victims and those who serve them.
This year marks the 24th commemoration of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, a time for communities to unite in their support of victims and to work cooperatively to be a part of the solution through efforts to prevent violence before it occurs.
According to the CDC’s most recent statistics, 1 in 4 women in the United States will be a victim of domestic violence at some point in her life. It is the single largest cause of injury to American women, yet the Federal Bureau of Investigations lists it as one of the most underreported crimes in the country. Men are also affected by domestic violence; the same study by the CDC found that as many as 1 in 9 men will be a victim of an abusive partner during his lifetime.
Ending domestic violence requires a community commitment. In order for policies and resources to be effective, there must be a coordinated effort between criminal justice professionals, victims’ service providers, prosecutors, health care providers, educators, and elected officials. Individuals can be proactive in addressing violence in their lives, in the lives of their families and friends, and in their workplaces and schools.
Every county in Wyoming has a domestic violence shelter program and each program commemorates Domestic Violence Awareness Month with specific community events and activities. To learn more about activities in your community, or to find out information about the local services available to victims & survivors of domestic violence, please contact the Wyoming Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault at 307-755-5481 or www.wyomingdvsa.org.
Thank you again to all the agencies and places of help for those suffering from domestic violence. Their efforts help improve our friends’ and neighbors’ lives, but it also takes the work of friends, family members, co-workers, teachers, health care workers, etc. to help give support and encouragement to those in need.
Til next time…
Kati Hime, Editor
Wyoming Lifestyle Magazine: www.wyolifestyle.com
Wyovore: www.wyovore.com
Our sister pub: Wyoming Weddings: www.wyoweddings.com