WYOMING MADE: Lazy KT Designs, Gillette
TO CONTACT: 785.200.0487 kaitlynmartin@outlook.com www.lazyktdesigns.com
We were excited to profile Lazy KT Designs and owner Kaitlyn’s friend The Rusty Bucket (also of Gillette) in our Sprinter 2015 issue of WLM. These two ladies excel in producing fun & unique products right here in Wyoming! Lazy KT Designs just released a really cool series of antique ceiling tile artwork, and we asked for a chance to share it with our readers … See below for Lazy KT Designs’ contact info, and be sure to visit the Wyoming
First Program’s cabin at the Wyoming State Fair through August 15 for a chance to check out LOTS of Wyoming-made products! (And October 2&3, Wyoming stores can visit our Wyoming Made Expo to see products they can carry in their stores, too!)
Wyoming First Program Facebook page
Wyoming Made Expo event Facebook page (October 2&3, 2015 in Douglas!)