
Peter Arnold & the Harlequin Duck of Yellowstone National Park






We We really appreciate Peter Arnold for sharing his incredible fine-feathered friend photography with us! When I saw this I knew I had to share it … Peter goes on to explain his recent Yellowstone trip, his photography – and yup, the pictures are by him as well! Talented guy!

Oh my did we have a good day.  My purpose in coming to Yellowstone in mid-May was to photograph the Harlequin Duck.  Ruth has been quite patient with my pursuit and her patience paid off today.


Peter Arnold Harlequin Duck May 2015 1

I suppose Wood Ducks may rival these guys in coloring and good looks and maybe it is because Harlequins are relatively rare in Wyoming but I sure am won over by their beauty.  They are found in the LeHardy Rapids of the Yellowstone River primarily during the month of May after which they dissipate to nest in less public places in the Park and northwest as far as Alaska.


Peter Arnold Harlequin Duck May 2015 2

The Park Service has been kind enough to construct a wooden walkway and platforms near where the ducks feed making ideal spots from which to photograph these beauties.

Other birds seen (on this trip) include Barrow’s Goldeneye, Eared Grebe, Killdeer, Ravens of course and Mergansers.