ARTS: Celtic Festival in Evanston, Corridor Gallery Casper
OUR SISTER PUBLICATIONS: Wyoming Weddingshttp://www.wyoweddings.com/ Wyovore http://www.wyovore.com/ WYO XYhttp://www.wyolifestyle.com/WYOXY/index.html The Wyoming Woman http://www.thewyomingwoman.com/
Our Sprinter 2013 issue of WY Lifestyle is LIVE! Click on the cover image below to read more – thanks to Leather-n-Lace Photography of Evanston for this awesome image!
image by Goitse
Young Musicians, Inc. of Evanston presents the Ceili at the Roundhouse Celtic Festival 2013. In its fifth year of providing a rich cultural experience to Southwest Wyoming, the festival is poised to continue its explosive growth.
The Ceili at the Roundhouse Celtic Festival was first held Feb. 2009, as the product of a conversation between Carolee Bowen, Executive Director with Young Musicians, Inc. and then Evanston City Mayor, Will Davis. Mayor Davis has always been impressed with the Oyster Ridge Bluegrass Festival in Kemmerer, and wondered if Evanston could ever create a festival on that caliber. “I had been thinking about starting a Celtic festival for a few years,” Carolee Bowen says. “I presented the idea, indicating that there wasn’t currently a Celtic festival in the region.” Carolee offered that her organization, Young Musicians, Inc. was looking to create a large festival event in order to do some fundraising. “The Mayor helped get the festival started by contributing to help pay for top notch headline entertainment,” Carolee adds.
image by Uinta County Herald
The festival has quickly become a community production. “Since 2009, other local organizations have jumped on board to help, including the Evanston Irish Session, the Fiber Arts Guild, and others,” Carolee says. The expansion of entertainment, authentic food, educational workshops, storytelling, arts & crafts and much more have contributed to this growth and helped to make Ceili at the Roundhouse Celtic Festival a well-rounded cultural experience.
A great Celtic festival features lots of good music, and Evanston’s event doesn’t disappoint. In 2013, exciting headlining groups (such as Battlefield Band from Scotland, Lunasa, and Goitse from Ireland), join regional performers and topnotch talent. A craft fair also joins the event, as well as pre-festival events: March 20 – 6 pm, catch “Lúnasa” in Concert at Suds Brothers Brewery (ticket required); March 21 – 7 pm “New Time Ensemble” performs at Main Street Deli (free). Be sure to check out Ceili at the Roundhouse in Evanston this coming weekend, March 22-23 in Evanston!
The Corridor Gallery is excited to announce “Hüzün: Memories of Istanbul,” an upcoming guest artist show opening on March 29th at 7pm featuring the work of Casper artist, Gabrielle Reeves. “Hüzün: Memories of Istanbul” is a body of original artwork to define the root of the show’s title by imagery. After living, working and studying in Istanbul, Turkey, Reeves acknowledged, analyzed and embraced “Hüzün,” a visceral Turkish state of mind more common to Istanbul than many know. “Hüzün: Memories of Istanbul” will ONLY be showing through Sunday, April 1st. Please contact the Corridor Gallery with any questions.
all images in this section by Gabrielle Reeves
Hüzün: Memories of Istanbul
Artist Statement: Hüzün, the Turkish word for melancholy is among the most mysterious concepts I have ever come across. Hüzün has an Arabic root, and in one sense refers to a type of spiritual anguish, suffered when we grow in attachment to worldly pleasures, and in turn experience a distance from God and spirituality. However, the modern concept of hüzün goes far beyond the history of the word. It is not only a spiritual affliction experienced by devout Muslims, but also a much more ambiguous emotion felt by the residents of Istanbul. Turkish author Orhan Pamuk described hüzün as “the emotion that a child might feel while looking though a steamy window.” Hüzün is not the melancholy of a single person, but a dark mood shared by millions of people together, by the entire city of Istanbul. Although a grim concept, hüzün is central to Istanbul culture; it binds Istanbullus together, and is shared with pride throughout the community.
To a newly arrived visitor, the deepest presence of hüzün may go unnoticed, or simply described as a mysterious presence or air about the city. I myself, emerging as a new resident of Istanbul, was ignorant to the strong effect hüzün has over the city. In the first months, I characterized the feeling as a magic, or dream-like quality that possesses every detail of the strange and beautiful city. Indeed, it is a kind of magic, a type of collective awareness that is unique to Istanbul. However, as the months wore on, and winter settled over the Bosphorus, I felt the presence of hüzün so tangibly I could almost touch it, and I experienced the heavy weight of Istanbul for the first time. These works are my hüzün, my Istanbul, my surreal world.
Gabrielle Reeves Biography: Gabrielle Reeves is a visual artist currently based in Wyoming. After receiving her Associates of Fine Arts Degree from Casper College she moved to Laramie, where she completed her Bachelor of Fine Arts in painting. Throughout her work as an undergraduate, Gabrielle participated in several study abroad programs including a semester in London and a summer drawing class in Turkey. Gabrielle has participated in a number of juried and solo exhibitions in and outside of the University. Several of her paintings have been commissioned and purchased by the University of Wyoming and can be viewed in various buildings throughout the campus. Upon graduation in 2010, Gabrielle completed a one year Post Baccalaureate Program when she assisted in both the drawing and painting departments. At this time, she was also working as an art educator at the University Art Museum, as well as at a local preschool. In June of 2011, Gabrielle moved to Istanbul, Turkey where she worked as a freelance artist and English teacher. During her time in Turkey, she also balanced art with a job working in a local carpet shop doing web design and correspondence. Gabrielle is now living and working as an artist in Casper, Wyoming, and plans to attend graduate school in the near future.
Event: Hüzün: Memories of Istanbul, Original Works by Gabrielle Reeves Opening Reception: Friday, March 29th at 7pm
Admission Cost: Free Show
Showing Through: Mar 29th 7pm-midnight, Mar 30th 10am-5pm, Apr 1st noon-4pm
Accommodations: Cash bar
Information: For more information, please contact Gabrielle Reeves via email at Gabrielle Reeves gabbyreeves85@yahoo.com or The Corridor Gallery at (307) 333-7035, Reed at (307) 259-8001 or visit www.thecorridorgallery.com
OUR SISTER PUBLICATIONS: Wyoming Weddingshttp://www.wyoweddings.com/ Wyovore http://www.wyovore.com/ WYO XYhttp://www.wyolifestyle.com/WYOXY/index.html The Wyoming Woman http://www.thewyomingwoman.com/