It’s Still Beautiful in Wyoming
Photo from Trib.com taken from a story posted on June 9, 2010
Many of our fellow Wyoming citizens are currently facing flooding and the threats of flooding in many parts of the state. Fremont County is currently battling a disaster, and Saratoga is another area in jeopardy — just to name two locations. It’s amazing to me that we’ve gone from drought to flooding in such a short time — but this is the case with Mother Nature. My husband, who is a geologist, can explain all the science to me and why things happen — I’ll let him blog that if he’d like. 🙂 For me, I’m just simply amazed.
My oldest child summed it up well with their daily journal entry: “Today was a beautiful day. We planted my pumpkin plant outside. Today was not a beautiful day. We had a hail storm and my pumpkin plant was outside. My dad had to cover it with the laundry basket. Today is a beautiful day again.” It made me smile because that IS Wyoming in a nutshell — beautiful days turn to black skies and dynamic thunderstorms…just to be over within minutes sometimes, with blue skies returning.
This idea can cross over into the flooding and other disasters Wyoming experiences. A beautiful day can become tragic, but it will be beautiful again with time. How do I know this? Because we have wonderful PEOPLE, and PEOPLE help each other through difficult times. Losing your home, your possessions, etc., is a horrible, horrible thing — at least knowing that there are people in your community and throughout your state that care and are here to help can make a world of difference. And those people helping each other can make the day beautiful once again…
Our prayers are going out to those battling flooding — may your beautiful day return quickly to you…
To keep current, here is a Facebook page with more information and up to date posts: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1319964564#!/FremontCountyFlood2010?v=info&ref=ts
High Plains WY Red Cross Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Cheyenne-Wyoming/Red-Cross-of-Wyoming-High-Plains-Chapter/258835342289?ref=search&v=wall
Contributions and donations can be sent to the Cheyenne Red Cross: 3619 Evans Ave. Cheyenne, WY 82001 **MAKE SURE YOU MARK YOUR DONATION AS “FREMONT COUNTY 2010 FLOOD” SO IT GOES TO THE APPROPRIATE FUND!!**
‘Til next time…Thinking of our friends around the state…
Kati Hime, Editor
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