ARTS: Beartooth Photography’s Project “Edge”
OUR SISTER PUBLICATIONS: Wyoming Weddingshttp://www.wyoweddings.com/ Wyovore http://www.wyovore.com/ WYO XYhttp://www.wyolifestyle.com/WYOXY/index.html The Wyoming Woman http://www.thewyomingwoman.com/
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Thanks to Beartooth Photography in Casper for sharing this project with us…voting is up on the radio stations listed above, and read on to learn more about Ken’s project…
Backstory — For some time I have been searching for the right subject matter or body of work to submit to The Wyoming Arts Council for consideration. I have a full portfolio of wonderful landscapes showing off our fabulous state, not to mention portraits, wedding and commercial work. As I really started to think this through I decided to do something totally outside the box and get the public involved since they are my core business. I look at a lot of West Coast Commercial Photographers for inspiration as they are on the cutting edge of the industry. Joel Grimes is a primary inspiration. As I was looking through some of his work I saw a series of images he shot of some famous RAP musicians, the lighting scheme was most unique. I quickly realized he must have made a modifier to create that harsh narrow strip of light on the subject. So I set out to do just that and Project “Edge” was born – kinda.
Fact — As a portrait photographer you have a short period of time to connect with your client and draw out some emotion and their personality in order to create a successful image.
Concept — Project Edge takes this a step further. I have designed a specific light modifier to create a very edgy light on the subject and using a very edgy editing style, to create a very Raw and Edgy image.
Most people come to a portrait session to look all pretty and put on the smile and project their exterior beauty.
I have set out upon the public to let them do the work in terms of bringing their personality to the surface in a 5 minute portrait session letting them be whoever they are without having to project merely their exterior beauty.
The final result in these images may not “Appear” beautiful to some so therefore as a viewer you must look deeper into the image to discover that beauty. Humans are unique both mentally and physically.
I think people from all walks of life truly just want to be themselves, yet get defined by their lifestyle, job, etc. This is an opportunity to get an image taken that reflects possibly who they really are or wanna be.
Results — 67 volunteer subjects shot in less than 3 weeks – 28 of which were men and 37 women. The success of this proves a couple things: the very power of Social Media i.e. Facebook, as that was the primary tool used to drive the project; and the power of Art…people from all walks are affected by art and this shows the desire to be a part of a public art project.